Records: Difference between revisions

From The First Descendant Wiki
(Location of the Memories about the Ironheart 1 journal.)
(Location of the Recon Records 2 journal.)
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Scout: We require Albion Headquarters' decision ASAP, over.  
Scout: We require Albion Headquarters' decision ASAP, over.  
<br clear=all>  
<br clear=all>
=== 5. Recon Records 2 ===
[[File:Recon Records 2.jpg|thumb|In central Frozen Valley, Fortress. Journal located under an elevated platform.]]
I ran into patrolling Vulgus forces in the middle of the night and barely managed to avoid them. Thankfully, I have not suffered any fatal injuries, but moving around has been difficult due to my leg injury.
While avoiding the Vulgus, I found something suspicious: traces of somebody having camped outside. It is highly possible that this is evidence of a survivor from outside of Albion.
Based on my analysis of the footprints and traces left behind, it seems they are more consistent with humans than Vulgus. The northern mountain range recon mission will continue for the next 17 days.
I must find out who these traces belong to by then. This might be the first sign of a survivor found since the Apocalypse.
I must hurry.
=== 6. Soldiers of Albion ===
=== 6. Soldiers of Albion ===
[[File:SoldiersofAlbion.png|thumb|Next to the ramp in front of the southern Albion fast travel point. ]]
[[File:SoldiersofAlbion.png|thumb|Next to the ramp in front of the southern Albion fast travel point. ]]
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Soldier Cody: and so I joined them. I walked south with the group. I do wish this march for survival would not end in vain.
Soldier Cody: and so I joined them. I walked south with the group. I do wish this march for survival would not end in vain.
<br clear=all>
<br clear=all>  
=== 13. Memories about the Ironheart 1 ===
[[File:Memories about the Ironheart 1.jpg|thumb|In eastern Fallen Ark, Fortress, jump down from the platform overlooking the valley to find the Journal.]]
Anais: Preparations to look for the Ironheart are almost done. Soon humanity will discover the Ironheart and awe at its power. However, I am not sure those who get their hands on the power will follow my instructions.
Anais: Humanity... is surprisingly progressive. Unlike the stupid Vulgus who are immersed with the traditional logic of power. So it will be the humans who obtain the Ironheart. And then my long-held dream will come true.
Anais: But, on the other hand... Humanity is weak. The infinite potential of the Ironheart is too tempting. So I must lead them well. It is our mission as Magisters to ensure that humanity is not blinded by greed for the Ironheart and break themselves before they can realize their true potential.
Anais: And when that day comes, they shall reach the Truth. And the world shall know of the secret. Finally... It shall come true.
=== 15. Bard's Song ===
=== 15. Bard's Song ===
[[File:BardsSong.png|thumb|Found on the roof to the left and just behind the fast travel point in The Fallen Theater in Kingston. Use the grappling hook to climb to the roof. ]]
[[File:BardsSong.png|thumb|Found on the roof to the left and just behind the fast travel point in The Fallen Theater in Kingston. Use the grappling hook to climb to the roof. ]]

Revision as of 06:16, 13 July 2024


1. Bunny's Excuse

Underneath the building the Battlefield Mission "Defense Garrision Rally Point" takes place in Restricted Zone, Sterile Land.

Yujin! Your technique in applying medicine is terrible for a medic! It hurts, so be gentle.

Don't glare at me like that. I didn't say I did anything right myself. It just happened; I didn't do it on purpose.

We all make stupid decisions, don't we? It was the same for me, that's all. I don't know what came over me.

What? No, I didn't drink. Well, I just had a little. A teeny, tiny bit! I'm telling you, I wasn't drunk.

Anyway, I was just curious! Lightning is electricity, right?! So, I thought...If I were to get struck by lightning, it would charge my electricity...

What?! An idiot?! Getting struck by lightning isn't that big of a deal! You all heard Lepic, right? He just called me an idiot!

Oh, alright, I'll be quiet...I...I really didn't think the suit would overload and be damaged. Whaat?! No more alcohol? Why?!

12. Esiemo's Regret

Go right from the Fast Travel point in Ironworks, Sterile Land. The journal is on the floor of the building to the left of the Battlefield Mission "Logistics Facility".

Hey! Take a look at this, Lepic! Hahaha! That explosion packed a punch! Whatddya think? Feel like acknowledging I'm the one with the best bombs? Hmm? Why are you making that face? Are you really that scared of a little explosion? Bwahahaha! So even the great Lepic is afraid of something. No? I shouldn't set off a bomb here? Hey, this is a training ground, so what's the big deal? I mean...The area is a little busted up...but it's gonna be eventually restored anyways, right? Isn't that what a training ground is for? What?! Kyle has been repairing it in his spare time?! I, I had no idea. Have him to call me if he ever needs a hand.

I mean...Since I'm the one who did the smashing...I'd feel better if I fixed it myself. Anyway, tell him to call me!

13. Transcript of Operation Records - Restricted Zone: Level 1 Classification

Obtained automatically during the quest "A Mission for Bunny".

Classification: Top secret, Level 1 Classified Document - This document is prohibited from leaving the [----] squad.

Operation Site: Sterile Land

Issued Order: Top priority, search [----]

Begin by searching the suspicious structures in the Restricted Zone of Sterile Land.

If [----] is found during the operation, report it immediately and await for the next operation.

Agents assigned to other operations shall also prioritize [----] and [----] as well as carry out the operation.

Instruct agents assigned to the area to prioritize recon mission.

Assigned Agents: Cayden Voltia, Ember Voltia, [----], [----].

When ecountering enemy forces, follow [----] guidelines.

Over and out. Transmitted by [----].

14. Emergency Communication Records - Agent Cayden Voltia

On the cliff just south of the High-powered Jammer in Restricted Zone, Sterile Land.

Needed to complete "Follow Their Traces" Descendant Exclusive Quest

Reporting to HQ.

Current Time: Approximately 16:27.

We have found some traces that look suspicious, but the target is nowhere to be seen in this area.

However, we may have found traces of evidence of a large quantity of goods being hurriedly transported around here.

We will continue to search for any traces of them.

As we're under heavy enemy surveillance, moving around has not been easy.

Please confirm if Albion has any plans to conduct a diversionary operation to draw enemy attention.

There are multiple Vulgus forces posted int he vicinity, making it difficult to conduct a thorough search.

As such, requesting Albion to conduct a coordinated joint operation. We need to divert the attention of the Vulgus forces if we are to run a precise search of the present area.

Over and out.

Sender - Cayden Voltia

15. Colon Emergency Orders

Use the grappling hook to climb up to the top of the arches in The Ruins, Vespers.

Needed to complete "The Traces Continue" Descendant Exclusive Quest

Relaying emergency orders from Colon Operations Command.

Following up on leads found in the area, several potential locations have been selected and allocated to each agent. Emergency orders have been issued to Agents Cayden Voltia and Ember Voltia who are in the middle of an operation. Effectively immediately, Agents Cayden Voltia and Ember Voltia are to transition to a search operation for the following target location.

Target Location: F9004-D Zone

All other field agents will transition to support duties for this operation.

All agents are advised that all orders will be given on an emergency basis.

Keep in mind that we will utilize the full capabilities of Colon to locate and retrieve the lost Ancestors' relcis.

To all agents: Good luck.

May you always move in the shadows.

Glory to Albion.


1. Void Analysis Report Dispatch

Obtained automatically during the quest "Humanity's Scourge".

Dear Seneca: Here is the first of our report on the Void Space and the flow of energy within it. We have yet to discover any phenomena that contradict existing theories and experimental results. Once again, the data confirms the theories that the Magisters and you have together established.

All unverified data from the Void Intercept Battles has been reinforced, which we expect should allow for a more aggressive deployment of Descendants. This should be enough to deal with the threat of the Colossi for the time being.
However, current calculations indicate that if the number of fissures increases, the Descendant Corps would not be able to intercept all the Colossi. If this happens, even Albion would not be safe.

For your reference, I've also attached a report on defensive organizations within Albion, response ranges, and available forces. Again, the utmost urgency of closing the fissures using the Ironheart has been understood. Please include the request for additional reports in your reply.

Thank you.

3. Encounter with the Colossus 1

Across the valley from the large bridge in Rockfall in Sterile Land. Use the grappling hook to grab onto the metal beam.

Soldier Hilda: It happened in early morning when it was still dark.

Soldier Hilda: I saw it with my own eyes. Something enormous wriggling down past the darkness.

Soldier Hilda: That...was no demon. It was something much more grave than the demons which terrorized us. It was the Reaper. The Death God fired lightning and killed everything in sight. My fellow refugees, my siblings...Everybody was killed by the Reaper.

Soldier Hilda: I can still hear the sound when I close my eyes. The screams of the people. I can hear the Death God move...

Soldier Hilda: I can't move. I can't do anything. The spear in my hand is useless, I can't save anyone. Not even my siblings...

Soldier Hilda: I couldn't run. All I could do was pray that this horrible moment would end. And I was the lone survivor. Is there anybody else who survived?

Soldier Hilda: I see. Nobody. So I am the only survivor.

Soldier Hilda: Did you find traces of the Death God? Please tell me if you do. Why? Obviously to run away from it as far as I can. Nobody can defeat that Reaper. Not even the demons. If you meet it too...You will die. So you better run away as far as you can. If you want to live a second longer.

Mission Report

1. Thoughts on Arche

Obtained automatically during the quest "Complete Formal Descendant Training".

Simply put, Arche is the energy that materializes the Power of Life. Descendants are those who have learned to manipulate the Arche and awakened their potential, transforming their Power of Life into tangible abilities. This is why each Descendant has a different form of Arche abilities. The images these Descendants conjure all differ because different images materialize in different forms. To do this, Arche must be awakened, and this process requires the Architects' relic. From what has been revealed so far, this relic is closely connected to not only Arche but also the Ironheart.

In other words, we expected the Ironhearts to be also closely connected to Arche, but unfortunately, we do not have an actual Ironheart to study it. To study Arche on a more fundamental level, we need an Ironheart.

We still don't know what the source of Arche is, or where its power comes from. Solving the question of its source may allow the Vulgus or Magisters, neither of who originate from Ingris, to harness its power. And which is why we must obtain and study the Ironhearts before the Vulgus do.

Before they discover the secrets hidden in the heart.

2. Seneca's Journal

Obtained automatically during the quest "Intercept Battle: Stunning Beauty".

As of now, most of what we know about the Ancestors are theories derived from studying lost materials and ruins. But how do the Magisters know about them? As we know, the Magisters arrived in Ingris during the Age of the Apocalypse with the Vulgus.

They claim the've inferred the existence of the Ancestors based on their research since arriving in Ingris, but sometimes I get the feeling they are hiding something. I don't think the Ancestors were simply ancient humans who awoke their Arche as intended by the Architects.

In an instant, for unknown reasons, they disappeared from this world. And many records of their time were deleted, evaporating into thin air, as if they never existed. Perhaps the Architects, or even the Ancestors themselves, did not want to pass on the events of that time to future generations. Or they couldn't...I can't help but suspect the Magisters know something about this. Of course, those thoughts about the Magisters are just my own.

I've also been using their materials to do research, and it's true that their knowledge has led to grade advances, so there's no reason for them to be hiding something now. But it's hard to let go of the suspicion that the Magisters haven't told us everything. The important thing is for humanity to find a way forward without relying on them.

4. Guide Observation Notes 1

Obtained automatically during the quest "Operation Authorized".

Guide Observation Notes 1

1. Definitely invisible to other people.

2. Guide appears to be highly curious.

3. Surprisingly, she seems to be able to access Ingris' network and retrieve a diverse range of information.

4. Currently everything about her remains a question, including her exact workings and energy source.

5. Guide seems to have an independent streak.

6. Perhaps...I may be seeing things because of the Ironheart. I'm a little worried.


2. Recon Report: Sterile Land

From the Restricted Zone, Sterile Land Fast Travel point, continue past the High-powered Jammer. Use the grappling hook to climb the small mountain.

Scout: Relaying to HQ.

Scout: The plants within the Vulgus Classified Area have been running nonstop for the past few days. We have captured occasional instances of a suspicious energy being released, but it is impossible to accurately determine the source of this energy.

Scout: Due to the powerful waves being emitted, should we approach, we may be at risk of being detected by the enemy. We require support to determine the energy source.

Scout: I have transferred a rough report on the detected energy to Albion for now.

Scout: However...we are unfamiliar with this form of energy, and our on-site units are unable to figure out what it is.

Scout: We are narrowing the recon scope on the possibility that this energy sources comes from the object our allied troops are looking for.

Scout: One thing we know for certain is that the plants in this zone are producing Vulgus military supplies.

Scout: These plants have been running at unprecedented levels...We believe this to be a critical situation.

Scout: We require Albion Headquarters' decision ASAP, over.

5. Recon Records 2

In central Frozen Valley, Fortress. Journal located under an elevated platform.

I ran into patrolling Vulgus forces in the middle of the night and barely managed to avoid them. Thankfully, I have not suffered any fatal injuries, but moving around has been difficult due to my leg injury.

While avoiding the Vulgus, I found something suspicious: traces of somebody having camped outside. It is highly possible that this is evidence of a survivor from outside of Albion.

Based on my analysis of the footprints and traces left behind, it seems they are more consistent with humans than Vulgus. The northern mountain range recon mission will continue for the next 17 days.

I must find out who these traces belong to by then. This might be the first sign of a survivor found since the Apocalypse.

I must hurry.

6. Soldiers of Albion

Next to the ramp in front of the southern Albion fast travel point.

Albion Soldier: Brown Beard tavern is the best in Albion. What? You don't agree?

Albion Soldier: Haha, you might not know since you're new here, but a sip of beer is the best after a good day's work. The best! What? Why do I love beer?

Albion Soldier: You really need some guidance. Let's go! Our day is over. Where are we going? Brown Beard of course! It's all right. I started to drink at your age and snuck out of Albion too!

Albion Soldier: don't believe me? Just follow me! First round is on me. And to make it better, today Blair will be show his magic. Hahaha!

Albion Soldier: You really don't know anything do you? What I meant is that Blair will be showing his cooking skills at Brown Beard. Now do you understand? What? You've never ate Blair's food before?

Albion Soldier: Okay!! Today's your day! I'll treat you today! Just follow me! What? I refuse your refusal! We're going to try everything!!

7. A Man's Unrequited Love

On the pathway to the right of where you first speak to the guide in Albion.

Man with crush: I confess, I don't, I do, I don't, I don't, I don't...Ugh, I don't know!

Man with crush: You are so beautiful! Sharen! Those glistening silver fingertips! It's a piece of art!

Man with crush: That's right, I've made up my mind. I'm going to confess my feelings to Sharen. If I'm going to make a confession...A flower! I need a flower. But, where can I get a flower?

Man with crush: Flower...maybe I don't need it? N-no! I read that a flower is necessary for a confession.

Man with crush: Right! I heard from the soldiers that there were beautiful flowers in Kingston. do I get to Kingston? Sneak onto the transportation ship? That doesn't sound like a good plan...

Man with crush: Ah! Maybe the supply squad has some flowers? Maybe I could go to the Quartermaster and ask for me? What if I get kicked out for asking such an absurd request? That's right! They'll look into it if I request flowers as a supply.

Man with crush: Great! I'll confess to Sharen after getting some flowers. Hahaha. What a simple solution. Sharen! Please wait for me!!

8. Deslin's Grievance

Above the building with the workbench in Albion. To get to it, go past the Descendant Trainer and keep left to avoid going down the stairs. There's an opening between the wall and guard rail you can jump through to get onto the roof.

Deslin: I've told you over and over again, and you don't even pretend to have listened.

Deslin: I understand that the Descendants have a hard time. I understand that their suits and weapons need repairs. The soldiers' supplies can break too. I understand all that. But what I can't understand is why are materials needed for repairing not arriving?

Deslin: Does the supply squad really want me to pay them a visit? They don't have any respect!

Deslin: And what is this quantity? Why so few? Do they not know how much supplies are needed for the operations? Arrrggh! I can't stop complaining!

Deslin: ...I know filing a complaint to the supply squad won't do any good. They're just doing what they're told too. It's the HQ that's the real problem.

Deslin: Alpha or whatever, I'll go and file a complain directly. If I was ten years younger I would have barged right in. Argh! I'll be the adult and refrain. Let's see. Where did I put that request sheet?

Ancient Ruins

1. Memory of the Apocalypse 1

Found in a dilapidated building in The Destruction in Kingston. Use the grappling hook to get to the second floor of the building.

Soldier Cody: What is up with the weather?

Soldier Graham: Johnson! I know you're trying to use the weather as an excuse to skip the evening shift again! You should practice using your spearmanship if you have time to make excuses. We may be at home front, but our neighbors are sure up to no good.

Soldier Cody: Graham, be realistic. There's nothing valuable here. Our great knights will be able to fight them off. There's something else you should be looking at. Look, doesn't the sky look odd?

Soldier Graham: Wait until you're my age. My eyes don't work like they used to. The sky, though, it does look different. Hey, Johnson! If this is one of your tricks to take the day off, I'm going to report it.

Soldier Cody: Th-that's not true! If you look over there...Huh? Is that...a person?

Soldier Graham: Hmm? A person? Are you sure? I can't see.

Soldier Graham: What was that sound? A cannon? Johnson! You heard that too right?

Soldier Cody: Graham, did you see that? The spear just spit out fire!!

Soldier Graham: This is no time to make jokes! Enemy!! We're under attack!!

Soldier Cody: R-Run! Graham!! Run!! That's a demon not a human!!

Soldier Graham: Jo-Johnson...Run and report to the...captain...

Soldier Cody: Graham!! Gra-Graham!! Wake up!!

2. Memory of the Apocalypse 2

Enter the cave near the Void Fusion Reactor in Repository, Sterile Lands. Take the right path along the metal bridge and it will be on a ledge to the right.

Alice: When I close my eyes the horrible memories of that day come flooding back. Demon voice, people screaming for mercy, and the burning city.

Alice: The knights' steel armor was useless against the demon's weapons. They all died in vain, as if to show that humans fighting the demons was a lost cause. Thanks to the knights' and soldiers' sacrifice, many were able to escape.

Alice: As I watched the city burn, I could feel that the age of men had ended. Now came an age of fight for survival. Lavish accessories and good quality dresses lost their meaning. What we needed now was a sturdy shoe which would not wear out.

Alice: All sorts of people survived the demons' pursuit. Knight, soldier...And nobles like me and merchants. And there were also the city's vagrants.

Alice: Some idiots kept their heads held high, as if they still expected their nobility to protect their lives.

Alice: Those idiots didn't survive for long. No, more accurately, they were ostracized.

Alice: I knew, this new world required one to give up money and honor to survive.

Alice: Right, whatever the cost...I had to survive.

3. Memory of the Apocalypse 3

Use the grappling hook to climb up to the top of the arches in The Ruins, Vespers.

Commander Owens: I'll never forget that morning's report.

Commander Owens: The first words out of the pale lieutenant's mouth were, "The demons have invaded."

Commander Owens: Demons...I reprimanded the lieutenant because of the absurd idea. Demons. We knights should be disciplined, not falling for absurd jokes!

Commander Owens: But it did not take long for my face to turn like my lieutenant's face.

Commander Owens: Roar. There's no other way to describe that loud ringing noise.

Commander Owens: I shouted at my men to hurry and assess the situation and grabbed my sword. And that was when I saw the unbelievable.

Commander Owens: Demons were descending from a great ship in the sky. It wasn't like a painting of the apocalypse. Demons were literally pouring out of a giant ship in the sky. Their spears spit out fire, the city collapsed from the explosions, and many people were dying.

Commander Owens: But there was nothing we mere mortals could do in front of the power of the demons. All we could do was pray for the God's mercy from our imminent deth.

Commander Owens: This can't be happening. I will nto die in vain!

Commander Owens: Retreat! Retreat! Every man for himself! Retreat and survive!

Commander Owens: Right. That was the only decision I could make.

4. Survival Records 1

Found in Grand Square in Kingston. Use the grappling hook to climb to the second floor, and then again to get to the third floor of the building right in front of the fast travel point.

Soldier Cody: I survived. When Graham fell, I gave up everything and ran. Thanks to that, I was able to survive. The last sight of the burning city will always remain a horrible and miserable memory in my mind. I don't know what happened to the people who escaped the city and scattered away.

Soldier Cody: I...Ran away despite the screams. I ran and ran until I couldn't hear any more screams. After running for a few days, I was finally able to meet a group of survivors.

Soldier Cody: They were a group who had fled from a place farther north of my city. I was told by the survivors to head south to the mountains. Apparently, there is someone leading the survivors.

Soldier Cody: After meeting other survivors, I realized that I was hungry. Come to think of it, I hadn't eaten a proper meal in days. Fortunately, they had some supplements to satisfy my hunger. They shared their food without a word. As I gulped down the food, tears welled up in my eyes.

Soldier Cody: Why I did not know. Perhaps it was the relief of survival, or from the shock of the city burning, or pity for Graham. But I couldn't stop the tears.

Soldier Cody: and so I joined them. I walked south with the group. I do wish this march for survival would not end in vain.

15. Bard's Song

Found on the roof to the left and just behind the fast travel point in The Fallen Theater in Kingston. Use the grappling hook to climb to the roof.

Bard: There once was a time that Kingston, called King's Square, was full of human vitality.

Bard: At that time, countless people gathered to sing their songs.

Bard: About the beauty of this world, and the torment of existence. The joy of birth and the sadness of passing.

Bard: Now, the songs can no longer be heard, and only the faint wails of those who have passed echo throughout this place.

Bard: The resting place of great heroes are buried under the remains, and the glory earned has been trampled under the vile feet of the invaders.

Bard: Perhaps, the brilliance of the past may never return to this place.

Bard: Yet, dreams of those glorious days returning continue. The days that may never return again.