Mastery Rank Training

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Mastery Rank Up Training

Increase Mastery Rank!

The Module Capacity and Equipment Inventory are closely related to your Master Rank.

Increase your Mastery Rank by manipulating the Arche Factor at Prime Hands in Albion.

  • Increase Mastery Rank to 2 at Prime Hands in Albion

The player's Descendant activates The Prime Hands located near the fast teleport point in Albion. The Prime Hands is believed to have been created by the Architects that the Magisters repaired. It is a device that awakens the Arche within a Descendent.

Mastery Rank Training Complete

Increase Mastery Rank! You have increased your Mastery Rank. Return to the Descendant Instructor and complete your training.

  • Talk to the Descendant Instructor

Descendant Instructor: Congratulations on increasing your Mastery Rank! That's wonderful news! You've trained extensively in EXP and weapon proficiency to increase your Mastery Rank. This moment is the fruit of your labors. Descendant, I promise to stop talking about your time as a trainee. Now that you have increased your Mastery Rank, the future is far more important than the past. Now that your Module Capacity has increased as well, Descendant. That means you can use high-efficiency modules as well as low-cost ones. You are now able to pick up more valuable supplies on the battlefield. I like your style. I can tell you understand everything. That's right. If you are taken hostage by the Vulgus, Albion will suffer catastrophic losses. Of course, if you ever find yourself in danger, Descendant, I'll be the first to save you. So, don't worry and keep working to increase your Mastery Rank. More Experience, better Weapon Proficiency, and Overwhelming Mastery Rank Increase. That's all.

Quest Complete