Ultimate Ajax Enhanced Cells Blueprint
Amorphous Material Components
AMP_057 Kingston (H): Magister Lab
10% → 16%
AMP_121 Fortress (H) Defense Line: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
AMP_035 White-night Gulch (N) Hatchery: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Ultimate Ajax Stabilizer Blueprint
Amorphous Material Components
AMP_116 Vespers (H) Lumber Yard: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
6% → 10%
AMP_062 White-night Gulch (H): Bio-Lab
6% → 10%
AMP_112 Hagios (H) Forward Base: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
6% → 10%
Ultimate Ajax Spiral Catalyst Blueprint
Amorphous Material Components
AMP_094 Agna Desert (H): The Asylum
6% → 10%
AMP_098 White-night Gulch (H) The Mountaintops: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
AMP_124 ?
Ultimate Ajax Code
Amorphous Material Components
AMP_066 Sterile Land (H) The Forgottense
6% → 10%
AMP_078 Vespers (H) The Shelter
6% → 10%
AMP_088 Agna Desert (H) Vermillion Waste: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
6% → 10%