1. Bunny's Excuse

Yujin! Your technique in applying medicine is terrible for a medic! It hurts, so be gentle.
Don't glare at me like that. I didn't say I did anything right myself. It just happened; I didn't do it on purpose.
We all make stupid decisions, don't we? It was the same for me, that's all. I don't know what came over me.
What? No, I didn't drink. Well, I just had a little. A teeny, tiny bit! I'm telling you, I wasn't drunk.
Anyway, I was just curious! Lightning is electricity, right?! So, I thought...If I were to get struck by lightning, it would charge my electricity...
What?! An idiot?! Getting struck by lightning isn't that big of a deal! You all heard Lepic, right? He just called me an idiot!
Oh, alright, I'll be quiet...I...I really didn't think the suit would overload and be damaged. Whaat?! No more alcohol? Why?!
2. Blair's Diary

Lepic came with a big bundle. When I asked him what it was, he shrugged and told me to see for myself. Wondering what terrible thing he brought, I opened it and saw a chump who looked half dead, his mind gone. No matter how you sliced it, that was Yujin.
Seeing the puzzlement on my face, Lepic said he had dragged Yujin here because he hadn't eaten in three days and to give him something to eat. "I thought he'd collapse from malnutrition at this rate." Lepic had a look of pity on his face. I'm sure my face more or less had the same expression. Suddenly curious, I asked him why he had been skipping his meals.
And the answer that came out of Yujin's mouth, who looked like a corpse, was really something. "I couldn't be bothered..." His listless voice sounded completely devoid of energy. I asked him again, thinking I had misheard him. "Food. I couldn't be bothered with it." This bastard just said that in front of a chef, saying it was a hassle to eat. Lepic looked unperturbed, as if he were used to Yujin's antics.
Sigh. Before I knew it, I let out a deep sigh that sounded as if it came from the very depths of my soul. What choice did I have? A chef can't pass up a starving man. "Tch, wait here." I felt the urge to give him a little something to eat. But since he hadn't eaten for a while, I couldn't just feed him anything... Maybe I'll make him some stew.
3. A Recording of Lepic's Rampage Incident

A prosthetic arm requires more care than you might think. At the very least, you need to clean it and tighten it.
You also need to oil it and wipe off any debris. And if you don't tighten it tightly, there will be problems. Since my life could be in danger if something happens to it, I can't afford not to pay attention. Which is why I got some new lubricant from Sharen.
She told me it's a newly developed lubricant. It has good viscosity and not that sticky! I really like it. Do I need to go to the Supply Squad to request some? What? All the prototypes are already gone? Who?? Who took them?! Ajax and Kyle? Ugh... those grandpas have an eye for good stuff... More importantly, they took it only to take care of their suits? Shouldn't Sharen or I be the clear priority to get it? Hang on! Didn't Sharen already get hers? Why am I the only one who didn't get any? Do I need to blow up the Supply Squad's quarters so they come to their senses?! Let go of me! Don't try to stop me!
4. Gley's Regret

I know I can't blame Ajax.
Instead, I know I should be grateful to him for actively helping ne out. Even so, when I see his face, I'm reminded of Dia.
For better or worse, Ajax was a competent instructor, and a skilled teacher. Under his tutelage, Dia blossomed as a soldier. And yet, I blame him for his aptitude because my heart is broken, filled with selfish and vile thoughts. And this is why I find his competence unfortunate. No, what's unfortunate is my inability to save Dia.
His competence is a stark contrast on my incompetence. My mistakes on that day, my mistakes at that moment, my own misery... are being projected onto him.
Ajax... you foolish man... On the day I get Dia back, I'll apologize to you for everything. Until then, please accept my resentment.

For the past few days, I've been noticing suspicious glances looking towards me. I'm getting the feeling someone is after me, Sharen.
I let it got for a little longer, thinking I might be imagining things, but nothing's changed. I continued to feel a steady, persistent gaze on me. When I tracked its source, I found a man who couldn't even hide properly.
As soon as I started looking for him, he became agitated; he clearly stood out as a novice. He wasn't acting like an assassin, so I grabbed him before he could run away and asked him what he was up to.
Then from out of nowhere, he pulled out a flower and offered it to me.
Oh dear.
He was just a clumsy fool. His courage was commendable, but it wasn't enough to win over me, Ms. Sharen. When I told him so, he dejectedly turned around and disappeared into the Residential District.
Should I have at least gone with him for a cup of tea?
6. Valby's Training Diary

Today, I hung out with Bunny. I mean, I trained with her. Bunny told me to write that in my training journal. She said I shouldn't write that we were fooling around. She told me not to say we played, but trained instead. But since this is my personal diary, can't I write that we played? Oh, this was something Bunny told me never to tell anyone: She wanted to see what happens when electricity runs through water.
I narrowly avoided being electrocuted by the flowing current. I literally felt my hair stand on end. After seeing that, Bunny's eyes opened wide like a rabbit, and she came running to me in shock.
When I burst out laughing because it was so funny, Bunny made a silly expression, as if she was relieved.
Bunny said what she did was wrong, and she would not do something dangerous, like running electricity through the water, again. And she begged me not to write this in my training journal.
Since Bunny asked, I won't include this in the training journal. But hey, this diary is mine, after all.
7. A Day in the Life of Kyle, Formerly of the Construction Corps

Kyle: What's... this?
Esiemo: Um... a dining table?
Kyle: You eat on this?
Esiemo: Anything can be a table if you can put something down and eat off of it... Besides... there have been times where I've had some actual pieces of furniture, but I've blown them up...
Kyle: Still, this is on another level... Even the guys in the Construction Corps must have something cleaner to eat off of.
Esiemo: I mean, it is what it is.
Kyle: In the future, come find me if you need some furniture.
Esiemo: Hey, what are you doing? Oh Oh! Why are nails flying in the air?! W-Watch out! Ohh... building a table was easy peasy for you, wasn't it?
Kyle: You should at least eat at a proper table. Okay, I'll leave you to it then.
Esiemo: Hahaha! You still got it, don't you? Thanks!
Kyle: Be careful not to blow it up...
8. Enzo's Resolve

I often have nightmares about that day. The day they brought Lepic in, covered in blood. I thought I was, once again, going to lose my family.
Lepic says he was lucky, but it still breaks my heart to see that cold metal arm. Even if that incident made me realize my mission in life so I could become a Descendant... Truth is, I still don't know what I can do as a soldier, what I want to achieve. My only desire is to protect the people I care about.
In the reality of today, that simple desire seems too much to ask for, and knowing that has finally made me come to a realization.
Becoming a Descendant, and being able to fight, is a great privilege.
That it takes a great strength to protect your family. So, I can't fall down. Not yet. Not until the day comes when we restore peace for good.
9. Jayber's Demands

I'm going to make another formal complaint to Albion. There is absolutely no reason to have this ridiculous law restricting drone flight altitude.
It's a classic example of bad legislation drafted by bureaucrats who don't know how to fly drones.
I can't fly my drone in Albion because of it, so I have to walk to my quarters to get my stuff every time.
I'm going to go see Alpha and demand to know why this restriction is necessary. I will get what I want.
If it isn't a waste of manpower to have a capable Descendant like me walk everywhere just because they won't let me fly a damned drone, then what is? Once the altitude restriction is lifted, I'm going to develop a better drone to transport supplies that can be used within Albion.
It's much faster than walking, so if it's more efficient, of course such improvements must be made.
I'm sure HQ will also strongly consider it too. It's a given permission will be granted... What should I prepare to get things rolling faster? That's right! Why don't I start developing the drone in advance?!
10. Viessa's Chat Log

Blair: Do me a favor, Viessa.
Viessa: No.
Blair: You know you're the only one who can do it.
Viessa: Isn't requesting supplies enough?
Blair: You expect me to ask for a supply of ice in the field like this?
Viessa: Sigh. You cooking savant...
Blair: If you won't give it to me, I'll take it by force.
Viessa: W-What on earth are you saying? Put that fire out!
Blair: Now, the only way to put it out is by sprinkling some ice on it.
Viessa: Are you out of your mind?!
Blair: C'mon, spit out the ice, Viessa!! I'll make you some dessert that'll blow your mind!!
Viessa: You are a lunatic of a chef!
11. Freyna's Pet

Someone said to me, who in the world keeps a viper as a pet? But what's wrong with vipers? They are cuter than you think. I admit they're not easy to feed, but in their own special way, they are just as affectionate as cats or dogs.
Ah, but not everyone can raise one, however.
That guy, better be careful around it. If someone gets bitten, they could be dead in less than a minute.
Me? I would feel nothing. If anything, were I to bite it, they would probably die in less than a minute.
Don't worry. Neither of us are into biting people.
12. Esiemo's Regret

Hey! Take a look at this, Lepic! Hahaha! That explosion packed a punch! Whatddya think? Feel like acknowledging I'm the one with the best bombs? Hmm? Why are you making that face? Are you really that scared of a little explosion? Bwahahaha! So even the great Lepic is afraid of something. No? I shouldn't set off a bomb here? Hey, this is a training ground, so what's the big deal? I mean... The area is a little busted up...but it's gonna be eventually restored anyways, right? Isn't that what a training ground is for? What?! Kyle has been repairing it in his spare time?! I, I had no idea. Have him to call me if he ever needs a hand.
I mean...Since I'm the one who did the smashing...I'd feel better if I fixed it myself. Anyway, tell him to call me!
13. Transcript of Operation Records - Restricted Zone: Level 1 Classification

Classification: Top secret, Level 1 Classified Document - This document is prohibited from leaving the [----] squad.
Operation Site: Sterile Land
Issued Order: Top priority, search [----]
Begin by searching the suspicious structures in the Restricted Zone of Sterile Land.
If [----] is found during the operation, report it immediately and await for the next operation.
Agents assigned to other operations shall also prioritize [----] and [----] as well as carry out the operation.
Instruct agents assigned to the area to prioritize recon mission.
Assigned Agents: Cayden Voltia, Ember Voltia, [----], [----].
When ecountering enemy forces, follow [----] guidelines.
Over and out. Transmitted by [----].
14. Emergency Communication Records - Agent Cayden Voltia

Needed to complete "Follow Their Traces" Descendant Exclusive Quest
Reporting to HQ.
Current Time: Approximately 16:27.
We have found some traces that look suspicious, but the target is nowhere to be seen in this area.
However, we may have found traces of evidence of a large quantity of goods being hurriedly transported around here.
We will continue to search for any traces of them.
As we're under heavy enemy surveillance, moving around has not been easy.
Please confirm if Albion has any plans to conduct a diversionary operation to draw enemy attention.
There are multiple Vulgus forces posted int he vicinity, making it difficult to conduct a thorough search.
As such, requesting Albion to conduct a coordinated joint operation. We need to divert the attention of the Vulgus forces if we are to run a precise search of the present area.
Over and out.
Sender - Cayden Voltia
15. Colon Emergency Orders

Needed to complete "The Traces Continue" Descendant Exclusive Quest
Relaying emergency orders from Colon Operations Command.
Following up on leads found in the area, several potential locations have been selected and allocated to each agent. Emergency orders have been issued to Agents Cayden Voltia and Ember Voltia who are in the middle of an operation. Effectively immediately, Agents Cayden Voltia and Ember Voltia are to transition to a search operation for the following target location.
Target Location: F9004-D Zone
All other field agents will transition to support duties for this operation.
All agents are advised that all orders will be given on an emergency basis.
Keep in mind that we will utilize the full capabilities of Colon to locate and retrieve the lost Ancestors' relcis.
To all agents: Good luck.
May you always move in the shadows.
Glory to Albion.
16. Incomplete Chat Log
Needed to complete "In Search of The Relic" Descendant Exclusive Quest

Cayden: I think the relics were scattered and transported to the location, ###.
Ember: The most #### among them is probably... Hang on, ###.
Ember: Is it a Chill ### device... If not, then a Void ####? It's not that one either.
Cayden: Check this out. It looks like a device for ####?
Ember: If that's the case, I've heard about that one before. But since it's also a relic related to ###, it wouldn't have ###.
Cayden: Then what about ####? How's that one?Ember: #### ### control... This might be it.
Cayden: But... #### ## ### #### ####?Ember: ###. ####··· No ### to worry.
Cayden: Then the target location must be... ####.
Ember: If it's ###, then it must be ###.
Cayden: Let's go, Ember. I'll ### report to HQ that it's ####. HQ, what happens if #### occurs?####
HQ: Upload ### you've collected so far on the Vulgus Terminal via ####.
Cayden: Roger that. I'll leave traces of the #### password data to allow other #### to find them.
17. Undelivered Operation Record

Reporting to HQ.
Since all communication has been cut off due to the enemy's jamming signals, we're hacking the enemy's terminal with a Colon encryption tool.
However, we have good news. We've found... our target. But the bad news is that we're currently surrounded by the enemy.
The enemy hasn't spotted us yet, but at this rate, it's only a matter of time before they do.
The biggest problem is the enemy is ready to extract data from this relic.
At this rate, the data contained in the Ancestors' relic will fall into their hands.
There's only one way out of this situation.
We'll hack into their terminal and transfer all of the relic's data to Albion.
We'll also be concealing the communication log by encrypting it so the Vulgus don't find out.
We hope... that you find this log someday.
After this is over... we'll activate the self-destruct device and destroy the relic.
It's a bit of a shame, but that's the only way to avoid handing the relic's data over to the enemy.
If we don't do anything, our enemies will get their hands on the relic, and we can't predict how they'll use it.
For us to secretly transmit the data and activate the self-destruct device... unfortunately, I'm afraid there's no way out for us.
Albion... I hope my report reaches you.
That's about it. We'll now proceed with the operation as reported.
18. The Last Voice File

Ember: Hang in there, Cayden. The data transmission should be over soon.
Cayden: The Vulgus should begin to notice soon. Let's get ready.
Ember: Cayden, there's something I've been meaning to tell you... Bunny's potential... it's extraordinary.
Ember: She was throwing a tantrum when we were about to leave, and I could feel an electromagnetic force from her that made my hand tingle.
Ember: Seeing how it reacts to her emotions, I'm sure it's Arche.
Ember: It's just as we feared.
Cayden: Damn it. So any leads regarding Arche suppression technology are out of reach now.
Cayden: I guess we won't get our wish for our daughter to live a normal life.
Cayden: Cough! Cough...! Ember: Wait, Cayden... That bleed of yours... it isn't stopping.
Ember: Stop talking.
Ember: You'll open up your wound further.
Cayden: What more could go wrong at this point?
Cayden: You know what? Our girl takes after me and would've become a soldier even if she didn't have any Arche abilities.
Cayden: She isn't someone who'd just sit back and watch as things go sideways outside of Albion.
Ember: Don't be silly.
Ember: Bunny takes after me more.
Ember: That's why it's my fault... I've passed on an ability that's too much for her to bear.
Cayden: The only thing she takes after you is that fierce stubbornness, so don't beat yourself up over it.
Cayden: It's no one's fault. It's just... the universe probably requires something of her.
Cayden: Sigh, I'm her dad and didn't even get her a birthday present.
Ember: I really wanted to give her a teddy bear... that I made myself.
Ember: She definitely takes after you. I mean, she was so adamant about not wanting a rabbit.
Cayden: I'd be tired of it too if you kept talking about rabbits like that, haha.
Cayden: Ah, data transmission is finally complete.
Cayden: The Vulgus are headed our way.
Cayden: I don't know if this message will reach you, Bunny...
Cayden: Happy birthday, my little rabbit... I love you loads.
Cayden: Hope you can forgive your poor father.
Cayden: I'm sorry to leave you to fend for yourself like this.
Ember: Happy birthday.
Ember: Sorry I didn't give you a big hug.
Ember: I'm so, so sorry, sweetheart. I'll always love you, my little girl.
Cayden: I love you, my little rabbit. I love you, Ember.
1. Void Analysis Report Dispatch

Dear Seneca: Here is the first of our report on the Void Space and the flow of energy within it. We have yet to discover any phenomena that contradict existing theories and experimental results. Once again, the data confirms the theories that the Magisters and you have together established.
All unverified data from the Void Intercept Battles has been reinforced, which we expect should allow for a more aggressive deployment of Descendants. This should be enough to deal with the threat of the Colossi for the time being.
However, current calculations indicate that if the number of fissures increases, the Descendant Corps would not be able to intercept all the Colossi. If this happens, even Albion would not be safe.
For your reference, I've also attached a report on defensive organizations within Albion, response ranges, and available forces. Again, the utmost urgency of closing the fissures using the Ironheart has been understood. Please include the request for additional reports in your reply.
Thank you.
2. Thoughts on Void Energy

The Void Energy contains too much data. It has been determined that interpreting even a tenth of the data in the Void Energy would yield significant information, but even such a number seems far off.
There are several reasons for this, but the biggest one being that a vast amount of information is so compressed, it cannot be interpreted. In particular, Void Energy contains a variety of negative energies, akin to emotions, which are ever-changing.
The Void Energy itself changes into many forms, as if it is alive and has emotions. It has been revealed that it contains waveforms of many emotions. It also is the energy that supplies the Colossi and is the actual substance that constitutes the Void.
Therefore, understanding Void Energy means understanding Void Space, and by extension, the Colossi as well.
The origin of the Void, and the beings inside it, namely the Colossi, all of which are unknown, are still among the most perplexing conundrums we face. Notably, the Colossi and Void Energy cannot be considered separately, and all the Colossi we know of are thought to be powered by Void Energy.
We believe in the urgent need to understand Void Energy so that we may comprehend the nature of the Void, and we recommend that the analysis and study of this energy be elevated to the highest priority.
3. Encounter with the Colossus 1

Soldier Hilda: It happened in early morning when it was still dark.
Soldier Hilda: I saw it with my own eyes. Something enormous wriggling down past the darkness.
Soldier Hilda: That...was no demon. It was something much more grave than the demons which terrorized us. It was the Reaper. The Death God fired lightning and killed everything in sight. My fellow refugees, my siblings...Everybody was killed by the Reaper.
Soldier Hilda: I can still hear the sound when I close my eyes. The screams of the people. I can hear the Death God move...
Soldier Hilda: I can't move. I can't do anything. The spear in my hand is useless, I can't save anyone. Not even my siblings...
Soldier Hilda: I couldn't run. All I could do was pray that this horrible moment would end. And I was the lone survivor. Is there anybody else who survived?
Soldier Hilda: I see. Nobody. So I am the only survivor.
Soldier Hilda: Did you find traces of the Death God? Please tell me if you do. Why? Obviously to run away from it as far as I can. Nobody can defeat that Reaper. Not even the demons. If you meet it too...You will die. So you better run away as far as you can. If you want to live a second longer.
4. Encounter with the Colossus 2

Alice: With each passing day, the demons attacked us less often. That didn't mean there weren't any sacrifices. Sacrifices were made by the soldiers, knights, and those who had fallen behind with no more energy left. Thanks to them, we were finally able to shake off the pursuit.
Alice: And that day, there was no joy to be had in surviving, no sorrow to honor the dead, no guilt to be felt in being alone... just an onslaught by the enemy.
Alice: The demons surrounded and laughed at us as if they would not allow a single soul to escape. The moment their weapons would light up, we were doomed to die.
Alice: It was just then. A giant shadow covered the entire sky. We knew what was happening only after we looked up. There was something enormous enough to cover the entire sky.
Alice: It was not human nor demon. It was pure death, you could feel nothing from it. With the eerie sound of scraping metal, its head began to move. And then... it started its massacre.
Alice: Everything that came across its path died. Demons and humans alike. The demons' weapon kept spitting out fire but nothing changed. But we couldn't give up our fight for survival. We had lost too much to give up now.
5. Encounter with the Colossus 3

Commander Owens: I can't believe it...
Soldier Cody: So that thing over there, is the Death God you mentioned?
Soldier Hilda: That's right. I thought we had run away far enough, but it was still close. Be careful! Stay low. Do you have a death wish?
Commander Owens: Are you saying it can see us from that distance?
Soldier Hilda: That thing appeared from nowhere and started killing everything. Do you think distance matters?
Commander Owens: I see... You said that monster massacred even the demons...
Soldier Hilda: The only method is to run away from it as far as possible. How do I know? That's how I survived until now.
Soldier Cody: Wait. Isn't it looking over here?
Commander Owens: Get down! And don't move!
Soldier Hilda: ... Phew. Fortunately it didn't see us. Now do you trust me? The best course of action is to get away from it as far as possible.
Commander Owens: Great. Tell the others to stay low and move. We have to head south while evading that thing. And Cody. Please record the monster's appearance and characteristics. I have a bad feeling that's not the only one out there.
6. The Day the Colossus Fell

Raley: Gasp... Gasp... It's Fallen.
Soldier Cody: It's defeated! The Colossus has fallen!
Commander Owens: We confirm Grave Walker has gone silent. Everybody stand by! We don't know what will happen, so don't make any rash moves.
Raley: Wow.. So this is the true power of Arche...
Soldier Cody Johnson: Amazing Raley!! Did you really defeat the Colossus? Finally..... finally we have hope!! Is that the power of the Arche? Can I become a Descendant too?
Raley: I don't know Cody. It would be more appropriate to ask the Magisters. Still, hope... Right. I guess we could say we now have hope.
Soldier Cody Johnson: I believe in you Raley! But..... How could a person like me become a Descendant?
Raley: Well, you never know. The Magisters say that anyone can become a Descendant. So don't give up so easily.
Commander Owens: Enough with the chit chat. Since we've confirmed that the enemy has gone completely silent we will start the retrieval operation. Raley, you did well. You can rest for now. Now, everybody move. Cody, you too!
Soldier Cody Johnson: Yes sir. I'm going!
Commander Owens: I never believed the Colossus could be defeated. The Magisters said it was possible.... But I still can't believe it even though I'm looking at it.
Raley: Right, Commander. It is now time to strike back.
7. First Intercept Battle

Ajax: It's not a pleasant memory to recall. But that's just how the Void is. A realm where chaos reigns, where the laws of reality don't apply... a world of Colossus.
Ajax: I don't like the idea of going back there. If he miscalculated and we get stuck in the Void, many of the Descendants could die.
Ajax: But Seneca has a point. If we could just intercept the Colossus in the Void before it reaches Ingris... Then we wouldn't have to worry about another attack from the Colossus. In other words, we can prevent future loss of life which could be catastrophic to us.
Ajax: The only problem which remains is how much I can trust Seneca... Funny, I have to rely on someone else's calculations to get back to the Void.
Ajax: There's no other way, and I can't leave it to the rookie Descendants..... I guess I have no choice.
Ajax: I'll have Alpha pay me back handsomely.
Mission Report
1. Thoughts on Arche

Simply put, Arche is the energy that materializes the Power of Life. Descendants are those who have learned to manipulate the Arche and awakened their potential, transforming their Power of Life into tangible abilities. This is why each Descendant has a different form of Arche abilities. The images these Descendants conjure all differ because different images materialize in different forms. To do this, Arche must be awakened, and this process requires the Architects' relic. From what has been revealed so far, this relic is closely connected to not only Arche but also the Ironheart.
In other words, we expected the Ironhearts to be also closely connected to Arche, but unfortunately, we do not have an actual Ironheart to study it. To study Arche on a more fundamental level, we need an Ironheart.
We still don't know what the source of Arche is, or where its power comes from. Solving the question of its source may allow the Vulgus or Magisters, neither of who originate from Ingris, to harness its power. And which is why we must obtain and study the Ironhearts before the Vulgus do.
Before they discover the secrets hidden in the heart.
2. Seneca's Journal

As of now, most of what we know about the Ancestors are theories derived from studying lost materials and ruins. But how do the Magisters know about them? As we know, the Magisters arrived in Ingris during the Age of the Apocalypse with the Vulgus.
They claim the've inferred the existence of the Ancestors based on their research since arriving in Ingris, but sometimes I get the feeling they are hiding something. I don't think the Ancestors were simply ancient humans who awoke their Arche as intended by the Architects.
In an instant, for unknown reasons, they disappeared from this world. And many records of their time were deleted, evaporating into thin air, as if they never existed. Perhaps the Architects, or even the Ancestors themselves, did not want to pass on the events of that time to future generations. Or they couldn't...I can't help but suspect the Magisters know something about this. Of course, those thoughts about the Magisters are just my own.
I've also been using their materials to do research, and it's true that their knowledge has led to grade advances, so there's no reason for them to be hiding something now. But it's hard to let go of the suspicion that the Magisters haven't told us everything. The important thing is for humanity to find a way forward without relying on them.
3. Ultimate Descendant R&D Journal

Our intention was not to simply replicate the Ancestors. Rather, it was more out of necessity.
When calculating the future of this war, by taking into account all possible variables and considerations, it became clear that, with our current strength, the Vulgus could not be defeated. The battle power of the awakened Descendants, however, completely exceeds that of the Vulgus combatants.
The Descendants' battle power, aided by newly developed weapons and suits, is a testament to humanity's potential, exceeding our previous predictions.
But that is not enough. It is we, the Magisters, who know the power of the Vulgus better than anyone else. So we must be prepared. That is precisely what drove this research. Fortunately, the process of analyzing existing data and reconstructing was fairly straightforward.
It appears the time has come to begin the project, which was only at the research stage, to awaken the Ultimate Descendants, in earnest, so we can face Karel.
Since the Ironheart has finally been revealed to the world, the need for power to defeat Karel has never been more justified.
Finally, the time has come for our protracted research to come to fruition.
4. Guide Observation Notes 1

Guide Observation Notes 1
1. Definitely invisible to other people.
2. Guide appears to be highly curious.
3. Surprisingly, she seems to be able to access Ingris' network and retrieve a diverse range of information.
4. Currently everything about her remains a question, including her exact workings and energy source.
5. Guide seems to have an independent streak.
6. Perhaps... I may be seeing things because of the Ironheart. I'm a little worried.
5. Guide Observation Notes 2

Guide Observation Notes 2
1. She seems to know less about the Ancestors than I thought.
2. Was Guide's outfit made with the technology of her time?
3. Guide herself doesn't appear to know much about how she works.
4. She says she was created in the image of the Ancestors.
5. She is not particularly surprised by the present state of human civilization.
6. However, she does seem surprised by the decline of the pre-Apocalypse civilization in contrast to the time of the Ancestors.
7. She continues to learn and acquire various bits of knowledge, claiming that her data is incomplete.
6. HQ Meeting Record

Nell: This is the field report from the Heart retrieval operation... Would you like to read it?
Alpha: No, I've already heard enough about it. I'll read the report later.
Nell: Then you must know how dangerous it was. What if we lost somebody...?
Alpha: Acquiring the Ironheart is of the utmost importance. You know better; it might be the only way to end this wretched war.
Nell: That's right. It might be the only way. But that's only what the Magisters say! They also admitted that it might make the Dimensional Wall unstable.
Alpha: So are you going to just sit back and watch them acquire all of the hearts? If you don't know what the outcome is, I'll tell you myself. Extermination!
Nell: Nothing has been found out about what the Vulgus are going to do with the Ironheart. Of course I don't believe it's good for us...
Alpha: That's exactly what I'm saying. Now do you understand that this operation was necessary?
Nell: Okay. I understand. But please refrain from planning any more reckless operations. We don't know yet what the Ironheart is made of or what it's capable of, do we?
Alpha: That's why we need to get our hands on it first and research it.
Nell: The phenomenon when Karel touched the Ironheart was defintely a Void Erosion. If that happens in the middle of Albion...
Alpha: If we could end the war... It was worth trying.
Nell: But the Ironheart is now in enemy hands. So we need to move more cautiously!
7. HQ Meeting Record - Alpha's Story

Alpha: We must get a hold of the Ironheart. The problem is the sacrifices we need to make in the process. That is entirely my responsibility. That is the duty of the one planning operations that lead soldiers to their deaths. I must endure it all.
Alpha: If it's needed I will endure it. No, I must endure it. I'm not in this position to be swayed by petty feelings.
Alpha: But we don't have enough information. Only the best decision will shed less blood... I know but I have too little information to make a judgement. I have to hope the Investigative Corps will come back with results.
Alpha: Without the Ironheart, the Magisters say that there's only so much information they can provide. We need to do something. Our first priority is to recover the Ironheart, there is no other way.
8. HQ Meeting Record - Nell's Story

Nell: I am worried about Alpha's anxiousness. As a member of HQ supposed to provide Alpha with the right advice, I'm not sure if me currently confronting him is okay.
Nell: It's funny to say this now, but even the Magisters don't seem to know much about the Ironheart. In my current situation, should I follow the Magister's advice and retrieve the Ironheart to close the Dimensional Wall?
Nell: I don't disagree with Alpha's judgment that the Ironheart should be retrieved first. If we don't act first, the enemy will get ahold of it, and it might be too late then.
Nell: That's right, ignorance is the biggest problem. Humanity must move forward in darkness, and we may have to make the most important decision in history.
Nell: It might be a stupid question. If there's no right answer, there's no wrong answer, right?
Nell: Let's do our best and meet the consequences. This seems to be the only thing I can do right now.
9. A Message from Amon

...This is... General Amon..
To all legions based in Ingris...
I deliver Karel's orders...
I'm bringing this message, and with it, the weapon for you to refine, to all legions remaining in Ingris.
A weapon which represents the pinnacle of the prowess of the Ancestors. All too familiar to us Vulgus.
Not only is it the most powerful weapon in all of Ingris, it has caused irreparable damage to Qliphoth.
Centre in your minds the enormous scar we bear, and obey Karel who stands on top of it.
Embedded within Vulgus legions, the weapon of the Ancestors has become part of their power...
Strike terror into the hearts of the Descendants!
Teach them their flaws!
Our grand invasion once more faces the origin of all wars...
Rise up and see history repeat itself... Just like the endless repeating pulsations of the Ironheart...
1. The Bastion of Humanity

Magister: Humanity survives.
Magister: They stubbornly continue their existence in 'Albion', a last bastion created by gathering everything left within a remote mountain range.
Magister: This location, once thought to have been an Architect facility, is the perfect location for their final fortress.
Magister: Humanity entered into an agreement with us, Magisters.
We gave them technology and the knowledge of how to fight back, while fortifying Albion and giving them a place to survive.
Magister: We also created the ultimate weapon for them. To be more precise, we have awakened the ultimate weapon for them.
Magister: Far into the future, once the Descendants completely reclaim the lands that humanity lost, this place will look different.
After all, humans will continue to spread to find a place to call their own. This city will become an empty husk.
Magister: The day that the final enemy falls. The day that our agreement with humanity finally comes to a close. In order to usher in that day, we continue to create weapons for those who are humanity's last hope.
2. Recon Report: Sterile Land

Scout: Relaying to HQ.
Scout: The plants within the Vulgus Classified Area have been running nonstop for the past few days. We have captured occasional instances of a suspicious energy being released, but it is impossible to accurately determine the source of this energy.
Scout: Due to the powerful waves being emitted, should we approach, we may be at risk of being detected by the enemy. We require support to determine the energy source.
Scout: I have transferred a rough report on the detected energy to Albion for now.
Scout: However...we are unfamiliar with this form of energy, and our on-site units are unable to figure out what it is.
Scout: We are narrowing the recon scope on the possibility that this energy sources comes from the object our allied troops are looking for.
Scout: One thing we know for certain is that the plants in this zone are producing Vulgus military supplies.
Scout: These plants have been running at unprecedented levels... We believe this to be a critical situation.
Scout: We require Albion Headquarters' decision ASAP, over.
3. About the Red Sphere

Reina: The Ironheart that we have been searching for will undoubtedly be inside that red sphere.
Reina: Thankfully, within the ancient documents that remained preserved throughout the Apocalypse, records show that this sphere existed since the dark ages.
Reina: Before history was written, in a past so inconceivable to the imagination, only the Ancestors possessed such mysterious technology.
Reina: That can only mean that the beings known as the Ancestors most likely would have hidden something incredibly important within that red sphere.
Reina: The issue is that we have not been able to find a way to open that red sphere and see what secrets lie hidden within yet, but even that is about to change. Reina: Soon, we will be able to find out how to open that red sphere.
Reina: Since we are making significant progress on Arche energy research recently, we will soon be able to find a lead.
Reina: The secrets... will soon be revealed.
4. Recon Records 1

I am still unable to locate any human traces. Nothing has changed since the records from a decade ago. Aside from the occasional signs of battle between the Colossi and Vulgus, there is nothing special.
I plan on searching some more after getting to a point further north from here. A few ruins show traces of the Apocalypse.
Humanity's once-glorious civilization was decimated following the Apocalypse, and the remaining few managed to survive by the skin of their teeth by establishing a base in Albion. Thanks to this, the current survivors in Albion are not well-informed of the situation outside.
However, I feel that might actually be a blessing in disguise. The only thing I have learned from the ruins is nothing but the horror and despair that must have been felt that day.
Once again, I am reminded that there could be no other survivors outside of Albion.
However, my mission continues.
To search for survivors, or traces of survivors, outside of Albion.
5. Recon Records 2

I ran into patrolling Vulgus forces in the middle of the night and barely managed to avoid them. Thankfully, I have not suffered any fatal injuries, but moving around has been difficult due to my leg injury.
While avoiding the Vulgus, I found something suspicious: traces of somebody having camped outside. It is highly possible that this is evidence of a survivor from outside of Albion.
Based on my analysis of the footprints and traces left behind, it seems they are more consistent with humans than Vulgus. The northern mountain range recon mission will continue for the next 17 days.
I must find out who these traces belong to by then. This might be the first sign of a survivor found since the Apocalypse.
I must hurry.
6. Soldiers of Albion

Albion Soldier: Brown Beard tavern is the best in Albion. What? You don't agree?
Albion Soldier: Haha, you might not know since you're new here, but a sip of beer is the best after a good day's work. The best! What? Why do I love beer?
Albion Soldier: You really need some guidance. Let's go! Our day is over. Where are we going? Brown Beard of course! It's all right. I started to drink at your age and snuck out of Albion too!
Albion Soldier: don't believe me? Just follow me! First round is on me. And to make it better, today Blair will be show his magic. Hahaha!
Albion Soldier: You really don't know anything do you? What I meant is that Blair will be showing his cooking skills at Brown Beard. Now do you understand? What? You've never ate Blair's food before?
Albion Soldier: Okay!! Today's your day! I'll treat you today! Just follow me! What? I refuse your refusal! We're going to try everything!!
7. A Man's Unrequited Love

Man with crush: I confess, I don't, I do, I don't, I don't, I don't...Ugh, I don't know!
Man with crush: You are so beautiful! Sharen! Those glistening silver fingertips! It's a piece of art!
Man with crush: That's right, I've made up my mind. I'm going to confess my feelings to Sharen. If I'm going to make a confession...A flower! I need a flower. But, where can I get a flower?
Man with crush: Flower...maybe I don't need it? N-no! I read that a flower is necessary for a confession.
Man with crush: Right! I heard from the soldiers that there were beautiful flowers in Kingston. do I get to Kingston? Sneak onto the transportation ship? That doesn't sound like a good plan...
Man with crush: Ah! Maybe the supply squad has some flowers? Maybe I could go to the Quartermaster and ask for me? What if I get kicked out for asking such an absurd request? That's right! They'll look into it if I request flowers as a supply.
Man with crush: Great! I'll confess to Sharen after getting some flowers. Hahaha. What a simple solution. Sharen! Please wait for me!!
8. Deslin's Grievance

Deslin: I've told you over and over again, and you don't even pretend to have listened.
Deslin: I understand that the Descendants have a hard time. I understand that their suits and weapons need repairs. The soldiers' supplies can break too. I understand all that. But what I can't understand is why are materials needed for repairing not arriving?
Deslin: Does the supply squad really want me to pay them a visit? They don't have any respect!
Deslin: And what is this quantity? Why so few? Do they not know how much supplies are needed for the operations? Arrrggh! I can't stop complaining!
Deslin: ...I know filing a complaint to the supply squad won't do any good. They're just doing what they're told too. It's the HQ that's the real problem.
Deslin: Alpha or whatever, I'll go and file a complain directly. If I was ten years younger I would have barged right in. Argh! I'll be the adult and refrain. Let's see. Where did I put that request sheet?
Ancient Ruins
1. Memory of the Apocalypse 1

Soldier Cody: What is up with the weather?
Soldier Graham: Johnson! I know you're trying to use the weather as an excuse to skip the evening shift again! You should practice using your spearmanship if you have time to make excuses. We may be at home front, but our neighbors are sure up to no good.
Soldier Cody: Graham, be realistic. There's nothing valuable here. Our great knights will be able to fight them off. There's something else you should be looking at. Look, doesn't the sky look odd?
Soldier Graham: Wait until you're my age. My eyes don't work like they used to. The sky, though, it does look different. Hey, Johnson! If this is one of your tricks to take the day off, I'm going to report it.
Soldier Cody: Th-that's not true! If you look over there... Huh? Is that... a person?
Soldier Graham: Hmm? A person? Are you sure? I can't see.
Soldier Graham: What was that sound? A cannon? Johnson! You heard that too right?
Soldier Cody: Graham, did you see that? The spear just spit out fire!!
Soldier Graham: This is no time to make jokes! Enemy!! We're under attack!!
Soldier Cody: R-Run! Graham!! Run!! That's a demon not a human!!
Soldier Graham: Jo-Johnson... Run and report to the... captain...
Soldier Cody: Graham!! Gra-Graham!! Wake up!!
2. Memory of the Apocalypse 2

Alice: When I close my eyes the horrible memories of that day come flooding back. Demon voice, people screaming for mercy, and the burning city.
Alice: The knights' steel armor was useless against the demon's weapons. They all died in vain, as if to show that humans fighting the demons was a lost cause. Thanks to the knights' and soldiers' sacrifice, many were able to escape.
Alice: As I watched the city burn, I could feel that the age of men had ended. Now came an age of fight for survival. Lavish accessories and good quality dresses lost their meaning. What we needed now was a sturdy shoe which would not wear out.
Alice: All sorts of people survived the demons' pursuit. Knight, soldier...And nobles like me and merchants. And there were also the city's vagrants.
Alice: Some idiots kept their heads held high, as if they still expected their nobility to protect their lives.
Alice: Those idiots didn't survive for long. No, more accurately, they were ostracized.
Alice: I knew, this new world required one to give up money and honor to survive.
Alice: Right, whatever the cost... I had to survive.
3. Memory of the Apocalypse 3

Commander Owens: I'll never forget that morning's report.
Commander Owens: The first words out of the pale lieutenant's mouth were, "The demons have invaded."
Commander Owens: Demons...I reprimanded the lieutenant because of the absurd idea. Demons. We knights should be disciplined, not falling for absurd jokes!
Commander Owens: But it did not take long for my face to turn like my lieutenant's face.
Commander Owens: Roar. There's no other way to describe that loud ringing noise.
Commander Owens: I shouted at my men to hurry and assess the situation and grabbed my sword. And that was when I saw the unbelievable.
Commander Owens: Demons were descending from a great ship in the sky. It wasn't like a painting of the apocalypse. Demons were literally pouring out of a giant ship in the sky. Their spears spit out fire, the city collapsed from the explosions, and many people were dying.
Commander Owens: But there was nothing we mere mortals could do in front of the power of the demons. All we could do was pray for the God's mercy from our imminent deth.
Commander Owens: This can't be happening. I will nto die in vain!
Commander Owens: Retreat! Retreat! Every man for himself! Retreat and survive!
Commander Owens: Right. That was the only decision I could make.
4. Survival Records 1

Soldier Cody: I survived. When Graham fell, I gave up everything and ran. Thanks to that, I was able to survive. The last sight of the burning city will always remain a horrible and miserable memory in my mind. I don't know what happened to the people who escaped the city and scattered away.
Soldier Cody: I...Ran away despite the screams. I ran and ran until I couldn't hear any more screams. After running for a few days, I was finally able to meet a group of survivors.
Soldier Cody: They were a group who had fled from a place farther north of my city. I was told by the survivors to head south to the mountains. Apparently, there is someone leading the survivors.
Soldier Cody: After meeting other survivors, I realized that I was hungry. Come to think of it, I hadn't eaten a proper meal in days. Fortunately, they had some supplements to satisfy my hunger. They shared their food without a word. As I gulped down the food, tears welled up in my eyes.
Soldier Cody: Why I did not know. Perhaps it was the relief of survival, or from the shock of the city burning, or pity for Graham. But I couldn't stop the tears.
Soldier Cody: and so I joined them. I walked south with the group. I do wish this march for survival would not end in vain.
5. Survival Records 2

Alice: I can't remember how long I ran. But when I came back to my senses, all I could see was the faces of distraught people. Like me, they had lost everything. They all fled with the will to live, but as time past, they finally realized what they had lost.
Alice: A wry smile crossed my face. I'm sure my expression was the same as theirs.
Alice: Then came the sound of horses' hooves in the distance. Everybody tensed up. We hid behind the rocks and grass. Had the demons come all the way here? I could feel the tension in the air.
Alice: But we soon found out we were overreacting. The demons didn't ride horses, they used flying ships.
Alice: As expected, the riders were human. Relief washed over us as they came into our view. They were knights in armor.
Alice: The knights told us to head south. I realized after looking up at the sky. We were already headed south. Probably because there were fewer demons in the south.
Alice: The knights told us to look for other survivors and left. We still had hope left. To the south... We needed to head south to survive.
6. Records on the Magisters 1

Commander Owens: Those who appeared call themselves the Magisters. Some believed that we should kill them, but we had to talk with them first. We needed to know. Why these demons had invaded our world...
Commander Owens: The Magisters told us that the demons who invaded us were the Vulgus, a race from another world. They said they were another faction of Vulgus, but they opposed the invasion and had come to side with the humans.
Commander Owens: As I was the one who gathered and led the survivors, it was me who had to make a choice. Should we trust them? Or kill them all? Or were we humans capable of killing them in the first place?
Commander Owens: The arrival of the Magisters split us survivors into two. Their appearance alone put our survival into jeopardy. Right, so what can we accomplish by surviving when everything has been destroyed and we've lost everyone we care about?
Commander Owens: Our arguments up until now were useless to us. We were helpless against the demons without their help.
Commander Owens: And they helped us gather the other survivors. After feeling completely hopeless, thanks to them we now had a future. The Vulgus tried to exterminate us, but ironically it was the Vulgus who saved us.
Commander Owens: As the Masters had suggested, I rallied the survivors and led them to the harsh mountains in the south. Like they said, the attacks stopped as soon as we entered the mountains. As the enemy attacks become less frequent, so too died down the voices of those who demanded death to the Magisters.
Commander Owens: But... I am still confused. Should we continue to trust them?
Commander Owens: In the first place... was I ever qualified to lead the survivors?
7. Records on the Magisters 2

Denis: Anais. Do you really believe they can survive against Karel.
Anais: Karel is crossing the line. If Karel gets a hold of it, there will be irreversible consequences. Karel doesn't know what power "it" holds. He only knows about his agenda.
Denis: Then Anais, do you believe humans will be able to reach the Truth? They are inferior beings who still use iron. Are you going to trust our future in them? All right, I ask again. Do you believe humanity can survive Karel?
Anais: Not in their current situation. But if we help them? Wake the true potential in them?
Denis: You're going to bet the fate just on a mere possibility? And you know full well that no one can guarantee the authenticity of that "record."
Anais: Are you content with living as we are right now? Working as slaves to Vulgus, Karel, forever preparing for war?
Denis: Anais, you... You've seen much more than I have.
Anais: No, I just calculated the many possibilities, and I was convinced.
Denis: Anais, your conviction... Okay. That is a good enough reason for me.
8. The Day the Descendants Were Born 1

Commander Owens: Magister Anais told us about the mysterious power called Arche. We were told that if we found one who could wield it and unleash its potential, they will gain the power to take on the Vulgus and even the Colossus. Only humans are able to manipulate Arche, and it is an inherent power of life in this world.
Commander Owens: They showed us an excavation of a site in this mountain range. The ruins looked incredibly old and contained mysterious structures made of materials we couldn't understand.
Commander Owens: The Magisters knew everything from the beginning. That's why they guided the survivors all the way here. This structure was our destination from the first place.
Commander Owens: Many questions were raised. People started doubting the Magisters again. But they, too, didn't know anything more. They could not manipulate Arche and even for them everything was in the realm of theories.
Commander Owens: So I as the representative of the survivors, had to make a decision: subscribe to their theories or choose survival on our own.
Commander Owens: It was a difficult choice. Whichever future I chose was uncertain. Then there was no reason to postpone my decision. If both are uncertain, I had bet on the one with the greater reward.
9. The Day the Descendants Were Born 2

Anais: All preparations had been completed. Though everything was theoretical, it was a thorough preparation. From reviewing the "record" to analyzing the terrain of Ingris. I was finally able to find this location. Everything was going according to plan.
Anais: The Prime Hands is undergoing readjustment and almost ready to operate. All the candidates show talent. I don't expect all of them to succeed. I don't even think they will be able to awaken Arche on the firetry. According to my calculations, maybe two... It's a low chance, but worth a try.
Anais: And finally, I had the results. The Magisters couldn't hold their excitement. It was just one, but one was able to awaken Arche and inherit the latent power of the ancestors.
Anais: These were just the first steps. Yes, the first steps to approaching the truth.
10. The Day the Descendants Were Born 3

Raley: There were times when I felt strange sensations. I thought it happened to everyone. But as I grew older, I realized that I had special abilities. I could see better and hear better than others, and then Magister Anais explained it to me. It was the Arche.
Raley: They told me that Arche was a special power which existed only in this world. And even amongst humankind there were those with a slight possibility to manipulate it. In order to forcibly realize the potential, volunteers were needed for the first experiment.
Raley: Though it no longer carries any meaning, I am a knight. I do not know if I still have a lord to serve, but as a knight, there is no reason to refuse an opportunity to become stronger. So multiple volunteers stepped up.
Raley: Each person stood in front of a strange looking structure. Their explanation was that the device was made by beings who ruled the world a long time ago. I don't know how they knew this, but I had to believe them.
Raley: If it wasn't for them, many more would have died before reaching this place. There was no other choice but to trust them now.
Raley: And finally, the structure lit up and started operating. And I knew. My senses expanded and what used to feel like searching in the dark, I could finally feel the presence Arche clearly. Now... I do not fear the unknown enemy Vulgus.
11. Battle with Karel

Male Descendant: I remember the day I first became a Descendant and embraced the Arche. It engulfed me and I was filled with confidence that I could do anything! It was an amazing experience.
Male Descendant: After becoming a Descendant, defeating the Vulgus army was a piece of cake. We were convinced that with enough Descendants, we could fight off the Vulgus and retake Ingris.
Male Descendant: Perhaps it was because of that unreasonable belief. It was on the day we set out to give the Vulgus a taste of their own medicine. It was a simple mission to raze their outpost and ruin their supplies. With the power of the Descendants it should have been an easy operation.
Male Descendant: But HQ didn't account for one thing. It was the existence of Karel, the one who commanded the Vulgus. He alone ruined everything.
Male Descendant: Newly issued weapons, bombs with enough firepower to wipe out an entire region, the power of Arche to accomplish the impossible. None of it worked against him. There was a power difference unable to overcome.
Male Descendant: And finally we realized why the Magisters insisted on such passive localized warfare. Why they planned an all-out defensive strategy centered around Albion...
Male Descendant: Like the first day I became a Descendant, Karel's power was engraved into my memory. If humanity one day wants to retake Ingris... They must remember. So long as Karel breaths, that opportunity shall never come.
12. Alpha's Past

Young Supply Soldier: It was just when I was out of breath. The supply operation was ruined because of the Vulgus ambush, our convoy decimated, and supply soldiers like me were running terrified.
Young Supply Soldier: We knew it was dangerous, but we volunteered because it was needed in order to secure a new base. Expanding our area of operation was important. Albion's supply was falling low and we were going to starve to death.
Young Supply Soldier: So I volunteered. To save my people.
Young Supply Soldier: But when we were attacked by the Vulgus, all I could think about was trying to survive. I thought I was going to die. The Vulgus were surrounding us and we had nowhere to run to. It was in that moment that we were saved.
Young Supply Soldier: He was a one-man army and save us. If it wasn't for that Descendant we wouldn't be alive today.
Young Supply Soldier: But we found out later, it was the Descendant's first actual battle. Haha, if it was me, I would have been trembling, but he did it so easily.
Young Supply Soldier: And I heard he had come after the operation was over and against HQ's command. Apparently he was reprimanded for it, but I don't believe he did anything wrong. I mean, I'm alive because of it, right?
Young Supply Soldier: Just you wait. One day, everybody will know that Descendant's name. And one day he might become a famous commander. Ah, his name? He went by the name of Alpha.
13. Memories about the Ironheart 1

Anais: Preparations to look for the Ironheart are almost done. Soon humanity will discover the Ironheart and awe at its power. However, I am not sure those who get their hands on the power will follow my instructions.
Anais: Humanity... is surprisingly progressive. Unlike the stupid Vulgus who are immersed with the traditional logic of power. So it will be the humans who obtain the Ironheart. And then my long-held dream will come true.
Anais: But, on the other hand... Humanity is weak. The infinite potential of the Ironheart is too tempting. So I must lead them well. It is our mission as Magisters to ensure that humanity is not blinded by greed for the Ironheart and break themselves before they can realize their true potential.
Anais: And when that day comes, they shall reach the Truth. And the world shall know of the secret. Finally... It shall come true.
14. Memories about the Ironheart 2
Only available after finishing the main story.

Seneca: The Magisters have definitely taught us a lot. If it wasn't for their knowledge and technology, we would've been exterminated long ago. Ingris and the Ironheart would've already fallen to Vulgus hands.
Seneca: But sometimes I am worried if we can trust them entirely. I'm not saying the Magisters will betray us. If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't have been able to endure the hundred years.
Seneca: What I'm trying to say is that the Magisters haven't taught us everything. They value knowing the Truth more than their own lives. And they believe we will one day defeat Karel and bring peace to Ingris.
Seneca: That means there's a reason the Magisters believe this. But unfortunately, I don't have any knowledge which would make be believe that. As you know, we know about the Ironheart and Void only as much as the Magisters tell us.
Seneca: I know it is disrespectful to Anais but I am sure there is information that the Magisters are not sharing with us. I am not sure if that information is good or bad.
Seneca: So Commander. Always keep in mind that the Magisters are not human, and that we must choose our own future.
15. Bard's Song

Bard: There once was a time that Kingston, called King's Square, was full of human vitality.
Bard: At that time, countless people gathered to sing their songs.
Bard: About the beauty of this world, and the torment of existence. The joy of birth and the sadness of passing.
Bard: Now, the songs can no longer be heard, and only the faint wails of those who have passed echo throughout this place.
Bard: The resting place of great heroes are buried under the remains, and the glory earned has been trampled under the vile feet of the invaders.
Bard: Perhaps, the brilliance of the past may never return to this place.
Bard: Yet, dreams of those glorious days returning continue. The days that may never return again.
16. Musings of a Scholar from Some Kingdom's Forestry Society

Scholar: This gigantic tree is believed to have once been the subject of religious worship by the natives of this Zone.
Scholars have been unable to provide accurate explanations for this tree.
Scholar: Noone can provide an explanation for how this tree was able to reach such a massive size.
The origins of this tree cannot be found among the records stored within the National Library of the Kingdom either.
Scholar: All that remains is a single record stating that the tree is much older than the Kingdom itself.
Scholar: In the songs of the bards, this tree is said to be the land of the forest fairies from the legends of old.
However, we all know that such claims belong in the fairytales of children.
Scholar: Therefore, scholars from the Kingdom Arboretum have put together this discussion session to exchange ideas and theories.
Scholar: Yet, judging by the atmosphere, it does not seem like we will be able to reach a meaningful conclusion within a reasonable amount of time.
Scholar: Still, it is not every day that the most renown scholars in the kingdom gather together, so some kind of conclusion must be reached by the end of the day.
17. A Mythical Tale

Storyteller: A time long forgotten, when fairies and gods walked upon the world.
There was a time when humans were yet unable to break the chains of slavery that the fairies had bound them in.
Storyteller: They say that it was during this time that evil demons invaded our world, in a time lost to both darkness and age.
Storyteller: The gods and fairies fought against the tides of demons, but were unable to match their overwhelming strength.
Storyteller: And so, the gods devised a plan.
They crafted a powerful pocket, to capture and contain the demons.
Storyteller: With the help of the fairies, the gods crafted an enormous pocket, large enough to cover the skies. And inside it, put in all of their strength to successfully capture their foes.
Storyteller: However, the power of the demons was still too great, and so the pocket could not be left alone.
Storyteller: So this pocket was split in two and buried in the ground, with a tree planted on top of it to keep an eternal vigil over them.
Storyteller: Thus, two gigantic trees continue to keep watch over these pockets from west and east.
18. A Historical Record of the White-night Gulch

Historical Scholar: Befitting of the name 'White-night', this Zone is were the sun almost never sets throughout the year.
We found the sole explanation of this Zone in an incredibly old history book from an ancient human society.
Historical Scholar: Our previous presumption of this place, blessed with an unceasing sun and flowing clear waters, was but an act of arrogance.
Historical Scholar: Could it be that this place was designed as a testing ground for us, his creations? Alas, no response ever reached us.
Historical Scholar: The perpetual daylight drove the living to madness, while the gloom and groaning which should have been collected by the night, consumed us instead. Historical Scholar: We find ourselves unable to endure this land where the moon has perished and the sun reigns eternal. Hence, we choose to abandon it.
Historical Scholar: A place abandoned even by the believers who could not endure it. Now, only a large, empty and inexplicable eye stares back at us.
Historical Scholar: This is a land created by ancient beings of the past. Perhaps this is why humans did not dare to set foot in it?Historical Scholar: The only darkness within this nightless sky, under the undying sun, is in the many hollows.
Historical Scholar: What could those vast hollows, dark and mysterious, be hiding? Only questions remain.
19. An Archeologist's Memoir of Meeting Magisters

Archaeologist: When I first heard about the beings called the Ancestors, I thought that everybody was trying to fool me.
Archaeologist: There once existed a race of ancient humans who possessed technology far superior to that of our current age... no chance.
Archaeologist: However, once I noticed that not a single one of the Magisters was smiling, was when I realized. Archaeologist: They were not joking. There was a forgotten civilization, a past during which humanity had reached unimaginable levels of development.
Archaeologist: They provided several articles of evidence. The massive underground ruins, the titanic sphere floating in the sky, and a hollow large enough to swallow a mountain.
Archaeologist: It was just as the Magisters had described. The world was full of mysteries that we could not yet explain.
Archaeologist: Of these, the most inexplainable one is The Old Mystery in Hagios.
Archaeologist: This structure, which was simply called The Old Mystery since ancient times, was said to be an Ancestors' structure.
Hearing that was more than enough of an explanation.
Archaeologist: Mysteries that cannot be understood by humanity were crafted by their hands. Nothing could be more magnificent.
Archaeologist: We must explore their ruins and discover their secrets as soon as possible.
What were they thinking as they created these mysteries, and what other secrets did they bury?
20. Memories of a Terrified Hunter

Hunter: There weren't many surprises to be found in these unforgiving mountains.
Hunter: Unless you ran into a hungry beast, or a sudden snowstorm, there wasn't much that would break the tranquility of the snowy mountains.
Hunter: That is why the memories of that day are so deeply seared into my mind.
Hunter: It was a fairly clear day.
A few clouds floated about, but it wasn't one of those rough days were the clouds brought about a snowstorm on the mountain.
Hunter: But then almost instantaneously, the sky suddenly turned dark.
Hunter: A roaring crash ripped through the sky. Well, at least that's how I remember it.
Hunter: A massive black shadow, which turned out to be a huge ship, covered the entire mountain.
A flying ship that sailed through the skies.
Hunter: The black ship, spewing enough smoke to paint the world black, crashed onto the mountainside.
The impact caused the largest avalanche I've ever seen.
Hunter: I had to run for my life or that all-consuming avalanche would have gotten me.
Hunter: After the dust settled, I soon learned that the avalanche wasn't the only threat to my life.
Hideous beings started to pour out of the ship.
Hunter: Those...things that came pouring from the belly of that black ship had monstrous eyes. Even more savage than the eyes of a starving beast.
In their hands, the demons held huge firearms, and they roared as if to rend the sky.
Hunter: They must have been demons, no beast could replicate the terrifying sounds that their breathing made. I can't think of calling those beings anything other than demons when describing those creatures that tore through the sky.
Hunter: A noise gave away a few hunters nearby, and they were ruthlessly killed on the spot.
I covered my mouth to stop myself from even breathing and made a mad dash down the coverless mountain.
Hunter: I had to escape. I didn't want to be captured by those demons and killed in the barren snowfields without a soul to help me.