Retrieve the Ironheart

From The First Descendant Wiki
Retrive the Ironheart
Introduced 1.0
Type Main
Legion Legion of Darkness, Colossi
Named Monsters Grave Walker
Next Quest Guide's Call

The intro, narrated by Guide, opens with a woman encircled by a growing network of branches.

Guide: I saw everything...The Connection between two worlds.

The bodies of defeated soldiers fade in, a destroyed city in the background.

Guide: About a century ago, humans were defeated by the Vulgus. Invaders, from the other world.

The city fades away, revealing an army of Vulgus, which quickly transitions to Colossi passing through the eye of a storm and then to a battlefield where humans are fighting both the Vulgus and a Colossus known as Grave Walker.

Guide: Then came the Colossi, who destroyed everything. Humans resisted until they could no longer. Then they found hope.

A bullet explodes, but it is contained by two hands clasped around it. Many voices chant "Descendant" simultaneously.

A person, likely a Descendant, stands in a mechanized replica of the same two hands, called the Prime Hands.

Guide: They were gifted the forgotten Ancestors' Power.

Human soldiers are seen fighting and surviving against another Colossus, this one known as Executioner.

Guide: Finally, they could fight with newfound strength.

The scene shifts to rows of Vulgus soldiers standing in formation before their leaders.

Guide: But another threat had emerged. Karel, the new leader of the Vulgus.

Karel stands proudly, holding a cube that erupts into a fiery explosion.

Guide: His dark ambitions are driving both worlds to the brink of collapse. We must fight back.

The explosion transitions into a battlefield filled with numerous Colossi, then into a bloodstream with strands of DNA.

Guide: With the Ancestors' power bestowed upon us.

A final shot shows the Descendants Viessa, Lepic, and Ajax standing together, prepared for battle.

Guide: Descendant, can you hear me? I've been waiting for you.

The woman's eyes open before she is surrounded by the branching system.

The First Descendant's title card fades in before cutting to black.

At Albion's command headquarters, Alpha walks into the room and positions himself in front of a large table adorned with a holographical display, his arms crossed. He addresses Viessa, Lepic, and Ajax with authority.

Alpha: According to the investigative Corps, the Ironheart is in The Ruins. The Assignment is simple. Bunny will collect it while one of you protects her.

Alpha places his hands on the display, eyes fixed on the three Descendants across from him.

Alpha: So, who is going to take this on?

Viessa casually leans against the map, Lepic sits attentively in front of it, and Ajax stands stoically with his arms folded. Bunny leans against the wall in the background.

Viessa: Seems like my kind of job. Wouldn't it be easier if I froze everything?

Lepic: Ill go. I just need to blow up everybody except Bunny, right?

Ajax: Leave it to me. Defense is my forte.

The player is prompted to choose their starting Descendant:

  • Viessa - A debuffer who uses Chill at will. She uses Chill to freeze enemies in place, unleashing Cold Snap-like attacks as she weaves her way between them.
  • Lepic - A dealer whho uses grandes to attack. Clears the battlefield with his right arm and grenades which boast a powerful performance.
  • Ajax - A tanker who utilizes Void Energy. Coordinates his team with a forcefield that protects allies while deflecting enemy attacks.

The player's Descendant and Bunny exit the room, ready to embark on their mission.

At The Architect Ruins, the player's Descendant walks alone through the ancient structures, admiring the architecture.

Bunny: Wait for me!

Bunny suddenly dashes towards them with incredible speed, sparks of lightning crackling from her boots.

Bunny: There's no Ironheart on that side either.

  • Viessa: This is the last spot.
  • Lepic: Then this is the only place left.
  • Ajax: Only this side remains then.

Bunny: Let's get this over with.

The player's Descendant and Bunny press on through The Ruins.

Bunny: The Architect Ruins...It took so many soldiers to find this place. Please let the Ironheart be in here somewhere.

  • Viessa: I hope it is too, Bunny. I'd like to give Albion some good news.
  • Lepic: I hope it's here too, Bunny. I'd like to give Albion some good news.
  • Ajax: I hope it is too, Bunny. I'd like to give Albion some good news.

Alpha: Finding the Ironheart is important, but so is retrieving it. The Vulgus also have their sights set on these Ruins.

Bunny: Eh, don't worry about that, Alpha. Compared to me, the Vulgus are as slow as turtles.

  • Viessa: I'll freeze anything coming after us. You should go first, Bunny.
  • Lepic: I'll blow up anyone who comes for you, Bunny.
  • Ajax: My forcefield will stop them, every time.

Bunny: Haha, good to know you have my back.

☐ Follow Bunny

The player's Descendant follows Bunny through the The Ruins eventually arriving at a bridge spanning a vast cavern. They begin to cross with the goal of reaching a cave entrance on the opposite side.

Bunny: So, do you know what the heart looks like?

  • Viessa: I guess we'll know it when we see it.
  • Lepic: We'll know it when we see it.
  • Ajax: We will know it when we see it.

Bunny:I'll take the lead.

  • Viessa: Gotcha.
  • Lepic: Sounds good.
  • Ajax: As you wish.

☐ Make sure Bunny crosses safely

Further along the bridge, Bunny leaps onto a floating platform to cross the chasm to reach the cave entrance. As she steps on it, however, the platform starts to collapse.

Bunny: Woah! What the heck?!

Alpha: What's going on? All operatives report!

Bunny hurries across just in time, making it safely to the other side.

Bunny: Whew! We almost died! I'm okay, by the way.

Alpha: Roger that. Resume operation.

Bunny: Our path's been cut off. We better find a way around.

☐ Join Bunny

The player's Descendant continues along the bridge, reaching a separate cave entrance that they hope will loop around to meet back up with Bunny. As Bunny begins to enter the cave, the player's Descendant warns against it.

  • Viessa: Bunny, be careful, I have a bad feeling about this.
  • Lepic: Be careful, Bunny. Something's not right.
  • Ajax: Wait, Bunny, I should go first.

☐ Defeat the approaching Vulgus

The cave leads back into The Ruins structure where the player's Descendant faces off against three Vulgus Mass Soldiers.

  • Viessa: Damnit! The Vulgus!
  • Lepic: Dammit! It's the Vulgus!
  • Ajax: Vulgus! Engaging!

Bunny: What? I'll come help.

  • Viessa: Don't worry about me. I'll take care of this.
  • Lepic: No need. I'll take them out then join you!
  • Ajax: Nothing I can't handle. I will be there soon!

☐ Join Bunny

After the player's Descendant deals with the Vulgus, they continue through the cave which eventually loops around to reunite with Bunny.

Bunny: Whew! Glad you're safe.

  • Viessa: I won't die on you, don't worry.
  • Lepic: Me too. But then again, I am me.
  • Ajax: I am just getting warmed up.

Bunny: No need to brag. Come on, let's keep going.

☐ Follow Bunny

Bunny: Woah...what is all this?

The player's Descendant and Bunny exit the caves and enter back into The Ruins structure. They find themselves in a large room with many floating elliptical cylinders.

Bunny: There's no way through...This is the only place left. There has to be something here.

The cylinders begin descending through the floor and the walls on the opposite side of the room separate to reveal a hidden chamber.

  • Viessa: A hidden space?
  • Lepic: There was a hidden space.
  • Ajax: A hidden space.

In the middle of the revealed chamber is a floating, spherical, object. The inner core, a snake-like chain of metallic links, is visible through the gaps in an outer shell.

Bunny: It's the Ironheart! Cover me.

Bunny grabs a device that has been strapped to her back and places it under the Ironheart. The device opens up and begins to collect the Ironheart.

Bunny: So this is the Ironheart...We can close the Dimensional Wall with this, right? And when we have all three of them, we can stop the Colossi and the Vulgus? How awesome is that.

As Bunny works on collecting the Ironheart, the player's Descendant approaches it in a trance-like state.

Bunny: But...does something feel weird to you? It feels like...the Ironheart is somehow calling to me.

The player's Descendant reaches out, the sound of static electricity filling the air and their hand is encased in a flickering, almost magical, network of energy lines that light up and flicker, resembling a fusion of technology and mysticism. They touch The Ironheart, and suddenly, their vision goes white and they are transported to an unknown space.

Bunny: W-Wait! What the hell...?!

☐ Attempt to escape the unknown space

This space is a surreal, desolate, otherworldly place with a dark and ominous atmosphere. The sky is dark and featureless. A series of floating, metallic structures dominate the environment. Each structure has a geometric, futuristic design, with intricate details carved throughout. The player's Descendant finds themselves standing on one of these structures. As the player's Descendant begins to traverse these floating platforms, a woman's voice starts to speak to them.

Guide: I have been waiting for so long...Descendant...The true Descendant...Prove yourself...Push forward without hesitation...You're finally here. Believe in yourself...

The player's Descendant navigates the floating structures with agility, utilizing their grappling hook to swing between, and climb up, the structures as necessary. Upon reaching the summit, they are met with a view of a vast, barren metallic landscape stretching out beneath a setting sun. As the sky transitions to twilight, a luminous, translucent, and bright white figure appears and approaches them.

Guide: You're finally here. This is a space where your unconscious takes form. I have been waiting for you since the beginning. I am your Guide. I was created to guide the Descendants to the Ironheart. This is the connection procedure, Descendant. Initializing process process to access your consciousness. We both need the Ironheart. I can help humanity, Descendant.

Guide, the luminous figure, touches the player's Descendant causing them to begin to disintegrate into an orange, void-like form. Suddenly, they find themselves back in front of the Ironheart. The Ironheart begins to expand, with its outer casing floating away from the inner core. The pieces of the outer shell drop to the ground fully revealing the inner core of serpentine chain links floating in front of the two Descendants.

Bunny: The hell?! What just happened? Who was that?

  • Viessa: Bunny, did you see it too? The 'Guide'?
  • Lepic: Bunny, did you see the 'Guide' too?
  • Ajax: Bunny, did you see the 'Guide' too?

Bunny: Yeah...I saw it. It took me to a weird place, and...Hold on! It's the Vulgus! They've found their way here!

An entire horde of Vulgus monsters, known as The Soulless, floods into the room where the two Descendants are stationed. The player's Descendant begins shooting at The Soulless, defending Bunny, who works on securing the Ironheart.

  • Viessa: Let's get out of here! Hurry!
  • Lepic: Let's get out of here! Hurry!
  • Ajax: Let's get out of here! Hurry!

Bunny: I seriously have no idea what's going on!

After another moment, the device Bunny planted captures the Ironheart. Bunny closes the device and straps it to her back.

Bunny: Target secured. I'm moving out! You need to stay alive! We have a lot to talk about!

The room's walls begin to close, leaving the Descendants with limited time to escape. Bunny takes off behind the player's Descendant, determined to extract the Ironheart. The player's Descendant continues to defend against The Soulless, eventually clearing the horde. Using their grappling hook, they swiftly swing between the closing walls, reaching safety...for now.

☐ Join Bunny

As the player's Descendant navigates their way out of The Ruins, the luminous woman's voice begins speaking to them again.

Guide: The Vulgus attacked.

  • Viessa: Huh? Where are you?
  • Lepic: Ugh, what's that sound?
  • Ajax: Ugh, where is that coming from?

Guide: I've synchronized with your consciousness. Focus on the heart. It must not be captured.

☐ Defeat the approaching Vulgus

The player's Descendant continues navigating through The Ruins, battling the Vulgus along the way. Enemies include Mass Soldiers, Follower Snipers, Follower Assault Soldiers and more of The Soulless,

☐ Join Bunny

☐ Defeat the approaching Vulgus

☐ Join Bunny

☐ Defeat the approaching Vulgus

As the player's Descendant pushes through the Vulgus, their abilities unlock at full power.

Guide: You are under the influence of your unconscious mind. Test your limits.

  • Viessa: What the...? What kind of power is this?
  • Lepic: Where did this power come from?
  • Ajax: What is this power?

Guide: This is your true form.

☐ Join Bunny

Alpha: It's been awhile since your last report. Have you regrouped with Bunny? I need confirmation.

  • Viessa: Noted. I'm at the rendezvous point. Bunny, where are you? Bunny, respond.
  • Lepic: Roger that. Resuming operation. I'm at the rendezvous point. Bunny, where are you? Bunny, shout if you can hear me.
  • Ajax: understood. I have arrived at the rendezvous point. Bunny, report your location. Bunny, report.

With no sign of Bunny at the rendezvous point, the player's Descendant continues through The Ruins. The journey leads them outside, where they find themselves facing an army of Vulgus ships. After a quick scan of the area, the player's Descendant spots Bunny on her the ground held captive by the Vulgus leader, Karel.

  • Viessa: Karel?
  • Lepic: Karel?
  • Ajax: Karel?

Karel notices the player's Descendant, who immediately takes aim and opens fire. Karel raises his hand, creating a force field that catches all the bullets mid-air before sending them hurtling back. They manage to dodge, but Karel uses his force field ability to pull them in close. Once within reach, Karel delivers a powerful punch, enhanced by his force field, knocking the player's Descendant back against the wall. Supporting Vulgus soldiers surround and hold them at gunpoint as Karel turns his attention back to Bunny.

Grabbing Bunny by her suit's ears, Karel lifts her off the ground.

Karel: The time has finally come. Squirm, Ingris.

Karel punches through the device strapped to Bunny's back and extracts the Ironheart. He tosses Bunny to the side and admires the Ironheart in his hands. Its not long, however, before the Ironheart bursts with red energy, shattering the chains that encased it and staggering everyone except Karel.

The ground begins to collapse, dragging some Vulgus soldiers down with it. The player's Descendant grabs hold of Bunny and uses their grappling hook to swing to a nearby tower that bursts up from the ground in front of them. Once they reach the tower, Bunny nearly falls, but the player's Descendant catches and holds onto her firmly.

Alpha: Void energy detected! Report! What is your situation?

  • Viessa: Karel touched the heart! It's triggered some kind of anomaly!
  • Lepic: Karel touched the heart! It's triggered some kind of anomaly!
  • Ajax: Karel made contact with the heart! It's triggered an unidentified anomaly!

The Ironheart unleashes another burst of energy, knocking Bunny and the player's Descendant to the ground below. Karel struggles to control its power and eventually drops the Ironheart, which deactivates and regains its metal rings.

The player's Descendant quickly checks on Bunny, but there is no time to lose. Nearby, a Dimensional Gate rises, and a Colossus known as Grave Walker bursts forth.

The Grave Walker launches a barrage of missiles towards the Descendants and the Vulgus. Karel catches a missile in his force field and destroys, it while the Descendants find cover.

  • Viessa: There's a Grave Walker! I repeat...!
  • Lepic: There's a Grave Walker! I repeat...!
  • Ajax: There's a Grave Walker! I repeat...!

Karel transports himself and the Ironheart back to his ship. Once on board, the ship begins to fly off and simultaneously becomes invisible to sight.

  • Viessa: Dammit. I lost Karel and the objective. Grave Walker approaching. I'm waiting orders.
  • Lepic: Dammit. I lost Karel and the objective. Grave Walker approaching. I'm waiting orders.
  • Ajax: Dammit. I lost Karel and the objective. Grave Walker approaching. I'm waiting orders.

Alpha: It seems weaker than normal. You are free to engage.

☐ Defeat Grave Walker

Bunny: You want a piece of me? Let's go! Not over yet.

The player's Descendant, along with Bunny, engage the Grave Walker in fierce battle.

Bunny: Now's the chance! Finish it!

After a grueling fight, the Grave Walker is defeated, Bunny nearly collapses from exhaustion.

Bunny: Alpha, the Ironheart was stolen. The operation failed...

Alpha: Damn it! I never expected Karel to show up in person! After everything we've gone through to find that Ironheart! If we don't find the other two Ironhearts before he does, the Dimensional Wall will be in danger.

  • Viessa: Don't lose hope, HQ. We've made contact with a "Guide". She's going to help us.
  • Lepic: Don't lose hope, HQ. We've made contact with a "Guide". She's going to help us.
  • Ajax: Don't lose hope, HQ. We've made contact with a "Guide". It's going to help us.

The player's Descendant stands resolute, facing the aftermath of battle. The defeated Grave Walker looms in the background, its mechanical body crumbling. The player's Descendant places a reassuring hand on Bunny and clutches their weapon with the other. They gaze at the fallen Colossus, ready for whatever comes next.



Vulgus - Legion of Darkness
  • Mass Soldier
  • The Soulless
  • Follower Sniper
  • Follower Assault Soldier
  • Grave Walker