
Template page
Item Name
Time Cost Rank #


Energy Activators
Energy Activators
1d 6h 750,000 Rank 1
Low-Carbon ActivatorLow-Carbon Activator (x55)
Conductive Metallic FoilConductive Metallic Foil (x25)
Heat Plasma BatteryHeat Plasma Battery (x55)
Polyatomic Ion ParticlePolyatomic Ion Particle (x72)
Energy Activator BlueprintEnergy Activator Blueprint (x1)


Research Details (Required)

name = Item name
time = Research time
cost = Research cost
rank = Required Mastery Rank

Research Materials (Suggested)

Follows a pattern of m#_name and m#_amt. # ranges from 1 to 5

m1_name = Name of 1st material
m1_amt  = Amount of 1st material
m5_name = Name of 5th material
m5_amt  = Amount of 5th material

Other (Optional)

icon     = image file path (defaults to "Icon {name}.png")
currency = Name of currency (defaults to "Gold")
special  = Type of item (only "weapon" is supported, used to display icon properly)