Assault Turret

From The First Descendant Wiki
Default Name
       Data on this page is from the Pre-Release Technical Test and may not reflect the release values.

Non-Attribute Dimension

Assault Turret

Summons an Assault Turret. The Assault Turret remains on the battlefield to attack enemies.

When hit by a Unique Weapon, it creates a Damage Zone dealing continuous damage to nearby enemies.

Basic Info
Cooldown 20.0s
MP Cost 30.0
Assault Turret
Damage Skill Power x 100.0%
Duration 12.0s
HP Summoner's 72.0%
Shield Summoner's 72.0%
Skill Power Modifier Summoner's 62.9%
DEF Summoner's 80.0%
Duration 10.0s
Continuous Damage Skill Power x 104.9%
Damage Interval 0.3s
Damage Range Radius 4.5m
Max Expandable Range 200%

More info goes here

Related Modules

See Also