
From The First Descendant Wiki

Description: Some point out that she becomes irrational during battle, but she is more rational than anyone.

Passive: Thirst

Skill 1: Frenzied

Skill 2: Life Siphon

Skill 3: Increased Sensory

Skill 4: Massacre

Sex: Female

Introduced: Launch

Some point out that she becomes irrational during battle, but she is more rational than anyone.

Release Date: TBD (Launch)


Glay Enhanced Cell

  • Monad Shard
  • Silicon
  • Cooling Metallic Foil
  • Glay Enhanced Cells Blueprint

Glay Stabilizer

  • Metal Accelerant
  • Flectorite
  • Complex Carbon Activator
  • Glay Stabilizer Blueprint

Glay Spiral Catalyst

  • Nanopolymers
  • Ceramic Composite
  • Synthesized Artificial Biometal
  • Glay Spiral Catalyst Blueprint

Glay Code TBD

Exclusive Modules

NameRaritySocketLevel 0 CostLevel 0 Effect
Blood and IronTranscendentXantic15Life Orbs can no longer be acquired with the Thirst effect. Instead, Power of Life can be obtained when attacks land Firearm or Skill Critical Hits.
Massive SanguificationTranscendentAlmandine16Modifies Life Siphon to allow the absorption of Life Orbs during Non-Frenzied state.
Predator InstinctTranscendentMalachite16Modifies Firearm ATK to increase when firing a Firearm during Frenzied state.
SupersenseTranscendentMalachite13Modifies the effects of Frenzied state's Maximize lethality during Increased Sensory. Fire Rate becomes fixed, but Weak Point ATK and Duration both increase.


Gley was a military surgeon at the HQ, and she had a precious daughter whose name was Dia, a pupil of Ajax and a promising soldier.

When she heard that her daughter was injured during an operation in Kingston, she volunteered as a field medic and managed to save her daughter's life. But the reunion was short-lived.They were ambushed by the Vulgus and taken to a lab. The terrible experiments performed there triggered her Arche, but the fate of her daughter was unknown. Gley survived the ordeal and joined the Descendant Corps, persuaded by Ajax who said he would help her find Dia.

Gley loathes Ajax for turning her daughter into a soldier, but she also relies on the man who promised to go find Dia together with her.





Cannot have Shield or MP.

In Non-Frenzied state, reduces Incoming DMG.

Defeated enemies have a chance to drop Life Spheres which, upon contact, grant Power of Life.

Upon acquiring Power of Life, recovers HP.

Damage Reduction Total DMG x 4.0%
Life Sphere
Drop Rate 30%
Health Recovery Amount Max HP x 4.0%
Duration 8.0s
Power of Life Obtain Amount x1


Non-Attribute Singular


In Frenzied state. In Frenzied state, increases Firearm ATK and Penetration, but reduces HP Recovery.

Basic Info
Cooldown 1.0s
HP Cost Max HP x 10.0%
Firearm ATK Increase Amount 15.0%
Firearm Explosive ATK Increase Amount 15.0%
Firearm Penetration Increase Amount 51
Incoming Recovery Decrease 50.0%
Received DMG Increase 10.0%

Non-Attribute Dimension

Life Siphon

Deals damage to targets within range and recovers HP.

HP Recovery amount increases based on the number of enemies hit.

In Frenzied state, deals increased DMG proportionally to HP.

In Non-Frenzied state, gains Vigor. Vigor stacks proportionally to the number of enemies hit.

Basic Info
Cooldown 20.0s
Power of Life Cost x3.0
Skill Effect
Damage Skill Power x 317.5%
Damage Range Radius 6.0m
Max Expandable Range 300%
Health Recovery Amount Max HP x 5.0% per Enemy hit
Damage Skill Power x 453.3%
Per 10% of HP missing Skill Power +10%
Damage Decrease 2.0%
Duration 8.0s
Max Stacks x10

Non-Attribute Singular

Increased Sensory

When in Frenzied state, applies Maximize Lethality during which bullets are not consumed.

When in Non-Frenzied state, applies Maximize Recovery during which Life Sphere generation is increased.

Basic Info
Cooldown 40.0s
HP Cost Max HP x 5.0%
Maximize Lethality
Duration 5.0s
Running Speed 50% Decrease
Sprint Speed 50% Decrease
Movement Speed When Aiming 50% Decrease
Maximize Recovery
Running Speed +30%
Sprint Speed +30%
Movement Speed When Aiming +30%
Life Sphere Drop Rate 60%
Health Recovery Amount Max HP x 8.0%
Duration 10.0s

Non-Attribute Dimension


Equip a Unique Weapon. The number of bullets loaded is affected by the amount of Power of Life owned.

When hitting an enemy with the Unique Weapon, deals damage and inflicts additional effects.

In Frenzied state, increases additional DMG proportionally to HP.

In Non-Frenzied state, inflicts Stun on enemies that are hit.

Basic Info
Cooldown 1.0s
HP Cost Max HP x 15.0%
Minimum Use Condition Power of Life x3 or more
Exclusive Weapon
Damage Same as Equipped Weapon
Additional Damage Skill Power x 64.7%
Per 10% of HP missing Skill Power +10%
Stun Duration 2.7s

Name Attribute Type Cooldown Range Duration
Frenzied Non-Attribute Singular 1s Toggle
Life Siphon Non-Attribute Dimension 20s 6m Instant
Increased Sensory Non-Attribute Singular 40s 10s (5s during frenzy)
Massacre Non-Attribute Dimension 1s Instant

Default Name
       SPOILERS! This information comes from datamined sources and may reveal spoilers or may not make it into the final game.







