
From The First Descendant Wiki
Default Name
       Data on this page is from the Pre-Release Technical Test and may not reflect the release values.


Aiming activates Preview Mode.

When canceling the aim, deactivates Preview Mode.

When firing while aiming, deploys the unique ability Guardian Lance on the terrain and consumes a set amount of ammo upon deployment.

The deployed Guardian Lance lasts for a set amount of time, and hitting the Guardian Lance deals damage to nearby enemies.

Each time the deployed Guardian Lance is hit, its duration and range are slightly increased.

Basic Information
Rounds per Magazine -10
Guardian Lance
Ammo Cost upon installation -6
Duration 3s
Duration Increase upon hit 0.1s
Max Duration 6.0s
AoE Damage Firearm Damage x 6.0%
Damage Interval 0.11s
Damage Range Radius 3.0m
Damage Range Increase per hit Radius 0.1m

See Also