The Weapons Development Department's many tasks include not only the development and application of new technologies, but also the analysis and restoration of ancient technologies. There remained parts of the Ancestors' technology that were too advanced for today's scholars and Magisters to restore.
The fruit of one successful project was a launcher called "Restored Relic". The problem was understanding exactly how it functioned. It was announced to the public that it was perfectly restored, but in truth they had still not uncovered the Ancestors' core technology.
For instance, they never discovered how this weapon reacts to Arche or how it emits flames. The Magisters simply announced that this technology held great potential for future use, making it a high priority for research.

Ancient Technique
Fires a Guided Round with a set chance.
On hitting an enemy with a Guided Round, inflicts Ancient Fire to the target enemy with a set chance.
Basic Information | |
Fire Rate | -20% |
Guided Round | |
Trigger Rate | 60% |
Ancient Fire | |
Trigger Rate | 25% |
Duration | 3s |
Damage Interval | 1s |
Additional Damage | Firearm Damage x 20% |