
From The First Descendant Wiki

Description: Beneath his cheerful façade lies a dark past. He gives all in battle so he can die without regrets anytime.

Passive: Close Call

Skill 1: Grenade Throw

Skill 2: Overclock

Skill 3: Traction Grenade

Skill 4: Overkill

Sex: Male

Introduced: Launch

Beneath his cheerful façade lies a dark past. He gives all in battle so he can die without regrets anytime.

Release Date: TBD (Launch)



Exclusive Modules

NameRaritySocketLevel 0 CostLevel 0 Effect
Increased EfficiencyTranscendentRutile17MP is no longer consumed while Overkill is active. It consumes MP when attacking with Overkill. It recovers MP when Overkill lands a Critical Hit.
Nerve InfiltrationTranscendentXantic14Overclock no longer inflicts Burn. Inflicts Weaken Regeneration instead.
Powerunit ChangeTranscendentMalachite15Overclock no longer increases Skill Power Modifier. Increases Firearm ATK instead.
Regenerative BrakingTranscendentAlmandine15Removes Close Call's effect. When using skill, chance to recover MP instead.


Lepic is the sole survivor of the 44th Grenadier Squad, who were recorded as the most courageous of the non-Descendant squads. After a battle with the Vulgus that took his right arm and all of his squad members, he received a prosthetic arm that was the culmination of the Magisters' technology.

He was tormented by survivor's guilt, once even tying a Traction Grenade around his neck to harm himself. This forced Magisters to quickly modify the Traction Grenade to prevent further accidents to Lepic or other teammates. But medical records now show that his mental health issues have been completely cured.

There are times when he uses tactics so reckless it seems like he doesn't care about dying, but he always gets results.


Description: Beneath his cheerful façade lies a dark past. He gives all in battle so he can die without regrets anytime.

Passive: Close Call

Skill 1: Grenade Throw

Skill 2: Overclock

Skill 3: Traction Grenade

Skill 4: Overkill

Sex: Male

Introduced: Launch

Beneath his cheerful façade lies a dark past. He gives all in battle so he can die without regrets anytime.

Release Date: TBD



Exclusive Modules

NameRaritySocketLevel 0 CostLevel 0 Effect
Explosive StacksTranscendentRutile16Modifies Grenade Throw to be charged up to 3 times. Grenade charges once whenever a certain amount of ammo is consumed.
Firearm MasterTranscendentMalachite15Removes Close Call's effect. Reloading weapon increases Skill Power Modifier.
Increased EfficiencyTranscendentRutile17MP is no longer consumed while Overkill is active. It consumes MP when attacking with Overkill. It recovers MP when Overkill lands a Critical Hit.
Nerve InfiltrationTranscendentXantic14Overclock no longer inflicts Burn. Inflicts Weaken Regeneration instead.
Powerunit ChangeTranscendentMalachite15Overclock no longer increases Skill Power Modifier. Increases Firearm ATK instead.
Regenerative BrakingTranscendentAlmandine15Removes Close Call's effect. When using skill, chance to recover MP instead.


Ultimates are a product of modern technology, comparable with the abilities of the Ancestors who were created by the Architects.

The Architects modified the people of Ingris to create a new race of humans fitter for battle, but then they left for reasons unknown. The Ancestors who were left behind mated with ordinary humans, which diluted the Arche factor.

However, some traces of the Architects still remained, and the Magisters succeeded in unlocking the secret of Arche through present-day Descendants




Close Call

Upon receiving fatal damage, gains Close Call. While

Close Call is active, grants DMG Immunity and Immobilization. When

Close Call ends, recovers HP proportional to own Max HP.

Basic Info
Cooldown 600.0s
Close Call
Duration 5.0s
Health Recovery Amount Max HP x 50.0%


Fire Tech

Grenade Throw

Throw a grenade forward, dealing Burst damage.

Basic Info
Cooldown 6.0s
MP Cost 35.0
AoE Damage Skill Power x 487.3%
Effect Range Radius 5.0m
Max Expandable Range 200%

Fire Singular


Gains Overclock. Inflicts Burn on enemies damaged by Grenade Throw or Overkill. Burn deals continuous damage for a certain period of time.

Basic Info
Cooldown 20.0s
MP Cost 24.0
Duration 17.0s
Skill Power Modifier Increase 20%
Duration 3.0s
Damage Interval 1.0s
Continuous Damage Skill Power x 115.2%

Fire Singular

Traction Grenade

Throws a Traction Grenade forward to inflict Towed on enemies within range.

Basic Info
Cooldown 25.0s
MP Cost 45.0
Traction Grenade
Effect Range Radius 9.0m
Duration 2.0s

Fire Tech


Equips a Unique Weapon. While the Unique Weapon is equipped, MP is continuously consumed. When MP runs out, the weapon is unequipped. Enemies hit by Unique Weapon bullets take Burst DMG. The impact point of the Unique Weapon creates a damage zone, dealing continuous damage.

Basic Info
Cooldown 65.0s
MP Cost 40.0
Continuous MP Cost 20.0
Exclusive Weapon
Burst DMG Skill Power x 2590.6%
Continuous Damage Skill Power x 41.1%
Duration 8.0s
Continuous Damage Duration 4.0s
Continuous Damage Interval 0.5s
Continuous Damage Range Radius 5.0m
Max Expandable Range 200%

Name Attribute Type Cooldown Range Duration
Grenade Throw Fire Tech 6s 5m/10m Instant
Overclock Fire Singular 20s 20s
Traction Grenade Fire Singular 25s 9m 2s
Overkill Fire Tech 75s Continuous

Default Name
       SPOILERS! This information comes from datamined sources and may reveal spoilers or may not make it into the final game.





The term "AoE" damage was changed to "Burst" in skill descriptions globally.

  • Overkill
    • MP Cost reduced from 47 to 40
    • Continuous MP Cost increased from 10 to 20
    • Burst Damage increased from Skill Power x 734.1% to 2590.6%
    • Continuous Damage increased from Skill Power x 11.7% to 41.1%

