
From The First Descendant Wiki

From left to right: Bunny, Lepic, Sharen, Ajax, Viessa, Blair, Gley

"Descendants are superhuman beings who are physically strong enough to handle the Vulgus alone; a team of Descendants can even defeat a Colossus."
"Thanks to the Magisters' technology, Descendants are reviving hope for humanity across the continent. Yet, humans are still exposed to many great dangers."


Normal Descendants are displayed in-game with a blue background.

Ultimate Descendants

Ultimate Descendants are displayed in-game with a golden background.

Ultimate Descendants are empowered variants of Descendants, sporting minor increases to defensive stats, a unique appearance and gaining access to Ultimate-specific Skill Modules on top of the Skill Modules available to their base variants.

Just like regular Descendants, more Ultimate Descendants will be added to the game over time.


When players first start the game, they will get to choose their starter Descendant, getting to choose between Ajax, Lepic and Viessa.

Any Descendant not already owned, including the two Descendants not chosen at the start of the game, will be available as Research by providing the required materials, or from the Store by spending Caliber.

Ultimate Descendants can be obtained either through the Research process by providing the required materials, just like normal Descendants, or through purchasing one of the available bundles in the Store with Caliber.

Stats & Gameplay

Each Descendant has unique Abilities and their own set of stats, which differ from one another. These stats can be increased or decreased by slotting the Descendant with Modules.

The stat chart as displayed on the Descendant selection screen.


Max HP

Indicates the maximum HP (Hit Points). Descendants die when their HP falls to 0. Max HP can be increased through Descendant Modules and External Components.

Max Shield

Indicates the maximum Shield. Shield isn't recovered when hit. Shield provides a barrier that absorbs damage before HP, automatically regenerating outside of combat and in combat after a period of not taking damage. Max Shield can be increased through Descendant Modules and External Components.


Indicates defense. DEF reduces the opponent's ATK, and the higher the DEF, the greater the reduction. The maximum efficiency for effects that reduce DEF is -80%. DEF can be increased through Descendant Modules and External Components.


Indicates resistance to a specific damage type (Fire, Chill, Electric, Toxin). Resistance reduces the opponent's ATK of that type, and the higher the resistance, the greater the reduction. The maximum efficiency for effects that reduce Resistance is -80%. Resistance can be increased through Descendant Modules and External Components.

Incoming DMG Modifier

Indicates the modifier that affects the final incoming damage. The higher the value, the less the damage. Incoming DMG Modifier can be increased through Descendant Modules.


Sub Attack Power

Affects DMG during Sub Attack. Sub Attack indicates the empowered melee attack. Sub Attack Power can be increased through a bonus stat roll on Rare and Ultimate Reactors.

Shield Recovery When Out Of Combat

The speed at which Shield regenerates while not in combat.

Max MP

A Descendant's max Mana. Increasing MP will affect how many abilities can be used. MP can be regenerated by picking up blue MP Orbs dropped by enemies.

Skill Power

Affects how much damage is inflicted by the Descendant's abilities. Reactor is the main source of Skill Power and increased by Modules. Every Skill has an attribute (like Electric) and Arche type (like Tech) associated with it. Only Skill Power of the matching type will affect the skill's damage. Different sources of Skill Power stack multiplicatively.

Skill Power Modifier

Determines how much Skill Power contributes to specific ability's damage. In the Skill description like Skill Power x 27%, the number 27% is the Skill Power Modifier. Skill Power Modifier is increased by Modules and added to the skill's base modifier. Only Skill Power Modifier of the matching type will affect the skill's damage.

Maximization tip: Because Skill Power Modifier is additive, it is much more effective for abilities with low base modifier. For abilities with less than Skill Power x 100%, 1 point of Skill Power Modifier is worth more than 1 point of Skill Power.

Ability Range

Determines distance and area of effect of Descendant's abilities and is increased by Modules. Ability Range can only be increased up to a certain amount determined by the Max Expandable Range found in each ability's description. If the base Range of an ability is 4m, and Max Expandable Range is 300%, then the maximum Range this ability can have is 4m * 300% = 12m and it's not possible to increase it beyond that by any means.

Movement Speed

Movement speed differs depending what state the Descendant is in: sprinting, walking, or aiming. Movement speed is affected by the currently selected weapon. Lighter weapons such as Handguns and Submachine Guns increase sprint and walking speed, and don't slow down while aiming. Most weapons reduce Movement speed while aiming, with heavy weapons such as Launchers even reducing walking speed.
